Chapter 12 Addendum

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This Life Is Not My Own

By LadyDawn


The night of October 31st a moonlit Saturday night, a circle of 13 was formed in hopes of removing a woman trapped within a friends body so they think, All goes as planned till the end when the great goddess raises the Athene high above her head, just as she plants in deep within the man laying on the alter by the roaring fire a great bolt of lighting can be seen then the thunder is heard, all goes quiet, the light from the moon is blocked out.

Just outside the magic circle siting on a very large standing stone marking the Eastern concordance sits two very dark figures. First the moon starts to shine a little through the smoke of the fire, then all the noises return, something or someone is missing Sandy screams out, “My baby Crystal is missing” They all stop. Everyone looks around she is nowhere to be found, James sits up from the alter, he points toward the East, everyone else slowly one by one looks toward the direction her is pointing.

In shock they all see, DAWN standing by the large eastern standing stone but that is not the strangest thing standing by her is not a 2 year old Crystal but in reality a full grown Teenaged Crystal both dressed in long flowing black robes with their eye glowing a bright iridescent blue looking right back at them.

Now you would think this story would end here but you would be so wrong for this is just the beginning to a much bigger ending, possibly the end as we all know it, Dawn was the resurrection of the Ancient witch the original all knowing all powerful witch, She has come back to correct an evil done to all women through time, with her daughter they are unstoppable this is just a simple warning if you seem them coming. Pray.

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