Chapter 10 Good Witch - Bad Witch

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 This Life Is Not My Own

By LadyDawn

Slideshow to Right is: Good Witch Bad Witch >>>>>

Chapter 10 Good Witch - Bad Witch

The BBQ was a shamble, after James dropped all the food on the patio. There was James with his mouth wide open in shock...... What did little Crystal just call him? DAWN! How would she ever know that name? Then the look on her little face as she pointed a finger at her daddy..... Well that in itself was enough to stun the entire neighborhood with shock! ….. OMG!

Elizabeth got up and took baby Crystal off the patio and back into the living room followed closely by Sandy. They were in there for well over an hour before their return.

James and Samuel sat at the table talking all the while James was shivering in the 80 degree weather.

Samuel had fed the children the hotdogs he washed off after they had fallen on the patio and cleaned up the rest of the mess, the children were playing games out back in the grass.

The return of Elizabeth; and Sandy carrying Crystal, was much better than the first time. Crystal jumped out of mommy's hands and went running over to daddy screaming daddy all the way. Daddy's eyes lit up so happy this time.

Elizabeth's POV

I ran over to Crystal, picked her up and off we went into the living room so I could find out what the heck was going on. Something was defiantly wrong here! ….... Oh good Sandy followed me in. “Sandy I want your permission to talk to Crystal if I may. Good thank you” I said.

“Crystal honey... why did you call you daddy Dawn?” I asked Crystal quietly as a child would talk. “Oh!.... She did!...did she?” I am listing to Crystals reply and in the background I hear Sandy give out a little giggle of stress. “Why did you point your little finger at daddy and frown at him like that you know it isn't nice to point?” I ask her waiting for her answer. Her reply shocked me. “How did yo know he was drunk sweetie?” …. “She what!” Dawn told her He was drunk oh my the connection is stronger than I thought it was....Oh this is not good at all the connection has grown too strong.

OH SHIT!! Sandy passed out. “Crystal you sit right here, I will be right back, I have to go get some water for mommy” I tell little Crystal. I run to the kitchen and come back with a cool wet rag and a glass of water for Sandy as she is coming too, good this will help her out.

Now back to Crystal.... “Sweetie how do you know about Dawn? She talks to you.... How does she talk to you, like when you are sleeping? No... OK then when? Oh when you and daddy are playing. I C Dose she talk to you any other times besides when you and daddy are playing? Only when daddy is home ?” wow this is interesting information I will have to let my coven know all about this.

*********LOST IN THOUGHT*********

“Crystal can you talk to Dawn right this minute?” I asked......... “She said to say no!” was Crystals response to my question.

OMG. Damn Sandy puked on the rug.

I get the floor cleaned up and ask Sandy to bring Crystal back out to the patio to see what happens, she agrees.


Sandy's POV

Where is Elizabeth going with Crystal? I am going to follow her! “Yes sure go ahead and ask her a few questions I want to know what is going on too” I let her ask my little girl some questions. Oh my!...giggle... OH SHIT!!!

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