Chapter 8 When the Blue Eyes Glow

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This Life Is Not My Own

By LadyDawn

Picture to Right is: Dawn >>>>>

Chapter 8 When the Blue Eyes Glow

Dawn has settled into her usual routine of teasing James every night and testing her newly acquired talents. She wants to try something out on Sandy, but James is having nothing to do with her sexually. Not a bad thing for Dawn but also not giving her a chance to test out a hunch either.

The Jamerson residence has gone back to the usual grind with James working 40 hours a week and driving 3 hours round trip each day. Sandy is getting larger with a girl in her belly, the housework is taking more of her effort to do, and James has to help out more each day. Their sex life well that is nonexistent, Sandy is depressed. They stay home most weekends now due to Sandy not being able to walk much with the baby due soon. One more month and life will change in the Jamerson household. Yes in deed!

Two weeks later, on a Friday the 13th of all days, Sandy goes into labor; the new baby arrives early. She is such a beautiful child, perfect in every way, EXCEPT **** Her EYES. They are the brightest BLUE anyone has ever seen. So radiant they seam to glow, the aurora around them is light gray, making them stand out all the more.

They get so many complements on how beautiful she is, and they name her, Crystal, after the crystal blue of her eyes. When proud daddy goes into the hospital room to visit with mommy and the baby she is being breast fed by mommy. James is so happy, a tear is at his eyes, the sight of such a touching moment is almost too much for him. James rushes to Sandy's side to touch his new daughter when, zap a shock if felt. From his core, through his finger to the baby, through the baby, to Sandy.

Sandy screamed, making the baby cry, James pulled back in total shock. “What the hell had just happened?” James yelled out in shock. Crystal calms down right away and starts feeding again and mom, well she is looking at daddy with hate in her eyes. She just felt a strong feeling of rejection, a force trying to push the baby away from her, her baby's eyes flashed colors from the blue to what looked like a shade of red back to blue.

How was that possible? Yes how in deed?

Dawn's POV

I finally got to see this new baby that bitch had, and it is time to see if my hunch is correct. James's memory said, she has Electric Blue Eyes, kind of sounds like mine. I want to try to pass some energy through James to the baby to see if she will respond to me. Maybe we have some kind of a connection here. Look at her so cute, red hair, what there is of it, that bitch is breast feeding her DAMN her!

Look at those beautiful eyes, they are just like mine. I don't know how I know but I do. Oh good James has washed his hands and is going to go touch the baby now is my chance. Let me give the little one just a tinny bit of energy to see if we can connect. If so then life in this family just going to get interesting.

“Zap” Holly Crap what happened? I just sent her a tiny energy wave and damn, it went all the way to the bitch. Shit I won't do that again, least not while she is by her. We do have a connection though, she sent me back a shock as well, this baby is strong, almost as strong as me. Aww look at her so cute. What are you looking at bitch.

Sandy's POV

“Damn you James you shocked us! What the fuck just happened to my baby?” I yelled at James. Did I just see what I thought I saw? No it couldn't be! It isn't possible for a baby's eyes to go from blue to red to blue in a split second. I must be tired from the birth. That shock and that feeling of rejection from my own baby, like she was trying to get away from me, then Crystal latched right back onto my breast like nothing was wrong. OMG that was scary. I give James a hateful stare I swear he had something to do with that.

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