Chapter Twelve: The End of That

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Chapter Twelve::The End of That.

If showing someone you cared was supposed to be done through sex then Jake had successfully showed me over and over again last night.

However, as I rolled over and rested my head on his chest, his eyelids closed as he slowly breathed in and out while continuing to sleep, I realized we still hadn't figured anything out. Not anything I cared about, anyway.

I rested on his chest for a few more moments before I rolled back over and reached for the nightstand where both our phones were resting.

My phone had a message from Lilly but nothing else; meanwhile; Jake's was silently blowing up with text after text from Evelyn.

They were cousins –granted cousins who didn't get along, but still cousins- so their communication was normal; however, what wasn't normal was my name in them.

I swallowed and glanced over at the sleeping man in my bed before I pulled his phone towards me and started to go through his texts with the blonde socialite.

I frowned at the text conversation dated a short while after I hung up on him while he was in England.

Evelyn: Look, I get that you're angry or whatever. Like, sorry that I told her about your problems with Sophia but get over it, it's not that big a deal.

Jake: Classy, Evelyn. Really classy.

Evelyn: Almost as classy as you hanging up on me after your little rant. You didn't even give me a chance to speak.

Jake: What? It's not like you were going to apologize or something.

Evelyn: Obviously not but there are other things I need to talk about, like that fact that Blake broke up with me.

Jake: You're telling me that the idiot finally gained a brain cell or two? I'll be sure to send him a congratulatory email and balloon.

Evelyn: Stop being a jerk! I love him!

Jake: You cheated on him.

Evelyn: Instead of judging me, you should probably be a little more concerned about your own life than you actually are.

Jake: Alright. I'll bite. How so?

Evelyn: He broke up with me for another girl. Just who do you think that other girl is? Come on now Jake, work whatever miniscule brainpower you have left.

Jake: Fuck off, Evelyn.

Evelyn: Aubrey, Jake. It's clearly Aubrey. Are you really going to stand by and lose your favorite fuck buddy to my ex-boyfriend?

Jake: I'll take care of it.

Evelyn: Well you'd better move fast because he certainly does.

I locked the phone and slid out of bed before I mindlessly padded out of the room and straight into Blair's room.

My twin sister was buried beneath her bed sheets but the minimal amount of light seeping through the partially closed shades reflected off her auburn hair and made it easy for me to find her.

She groaned as I sat on the bed next to her and started to shake her awake.

"Blair, Blair! Wake up!"

"Ugh, go away Aubrey. I'm in mourning."

"Blair, I'm serious! I need your help!"

"I am too! I just broke up with Pierce because he cheated on me!"

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