Day 6.5

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When I woke up, the room was dark. The lights were off and the only source of light came from the door of the office. The light barely reached the desk, gently lighting the area around the couch and the walls surrounding me. I looked down at the floor to see dry blood stains on the carpet. I jumped back and was startled again when I saw the bigger blood stains on the blanket and couch cushions. They were dark red and crumbled at the slightest movement, sending flakes of red blood in every direction. I backed up far enough to fall off of the back of the couch and hit my back on the floor. I rolled over to push myself up and screamed when I saw the bite marks in my arms. Two bite marks in each arm, both having long trails of dry blood streaming down from the bites. The blood streams went up my arms into my sleeves and to the tip of my shoulder.

I screamed out of fear and the door burst open, blinding me with the flourescent lights from the hallway. A silhouette appeared in the doorway and rushed over to me. It put it's hand on my shoulder as it crouched down beside me. "Are you alright?" Jackson asked.

I shook my head and looked away from him. "Why the Hell are you here?"

"I heard you scream while I was at the vending machines," Jackson said as he took his hand off of my shoulder. "I thought someone was attacking you so I came over." He looked around the room and sighed. "Is it back?"

"Yeah... First time in a month." I rubbed my bite marks slowly and felt a shiver go down my spine. "I didn't think it would be this hard."

"Caroline, we both knew sharing your story would start this back up, you even told me it would happen. Maybe you need to back off for a few days."

I shook my head and scooted away. "People have to know our story, Jackson. No one is going to believe us if we just keep it to ourselves. They'll just keep looking at us as a couple of kids who lost their fucking minds after a drug overdose that they can't remember! Do you want that!?"

He sighed. "No. I don't want that. Caroline, I know you don't trust me or even want to be associated with me for what I've done, but I think maybe you need a week off of the story telling. I can talk to your therapist and ask him if I can tell the story from my point of view while you fight this... thing... Maybe adding my point of view will add to our story and make it more believable."

"Jackson... I..." I sighed. "I'm sorry for being an asshole to you back when we got arrested. I guess I just overreacted to how you had treated Phillip and I the last few days and just forgot how much you helped us."

Jackson patted my back. "Don't worry about it. I knew you were struggling. I just pushed you too far."

"Did you see the interview?"

Jackson rubbed my back slowly. "Yeah... someone working here asked me if they should watch it and I told them not to. Caroline, even I think I shouldn't have watched that. You were angry, I understood that, but how you reacted to that guy's comments were... were..."

"I know... I was just pissed off that they called Phillip an 'imaginary friend.' He was real, you know that."

Jackson nodded. "If he wasn't real, I want to know who I was mad at the whole time."

I shook my head and wrapped my arms around myself. "I think I'll go to my cell now."

"I'll walk you there," Jackson said.

"No, I can handle it." I tried to stand up but my legs gave out beneath me and I grabbed onto Jackson for support. "Alright... you can take me there."

"Just lean on me for support," Jackson said. Once I leaned on him, he wobbled a little bit. "Sorry, I haven't eaten much in the past week."

"You're fine. Let's just go."

We walked down the hall for a few minutes before one guy blocked the hallway exit. He wore the same uniform as Jackson but he were four times bigger than Jackson and he had his head shaved. The green eyed body of muscle, stepped forward and grinned at Jackson.

"Well well well," he said with a voice deeper than a well. "If it isn't the prison couple."

"We're not a couple," Jackson said as he struggled to breathe. "We're just here for the same reason."

"Really?" The prisoner sent a punch to Jackson's stomach and laughed. Jackson started to double over but he kept himself upright. "That's such a coincindence, especially considering since you two are together now."

"Please," Jackson gasped. "Caroline needs to get to her cell."

"She'll get there." He punched Jackson again and Jackson fell to his knees, taking me with him. "As soon as we get our fun out of you two."

"Move aside, assholes," I said. "We need to get through."

"Shut up, bitch!" The world seemed to slow down as he sent a fist toward my face. I heard the voice of the voices of people from the prison, all saying the same thing. "Are you a vampire? Prove that you aren't! Prove it!" I opened up my mouth and prepared to bite his arm but something appeared in front of me.

Jackson's arm went in front of my face and the fist collided with his arm. I heard a crunch and the front half of his forearm bent impossibly backwards. Jackson screamed and he doubled over.

"Don't get in the way," the biggest prisoner said. "I wasn't aiming for you."

I sat myself upright and punched the prisoner's leg. He jumped back in pain. "Why you...!"

He grabbed me by my hair and threw me to the side. I hit the wall and fell on my face. I tried to get up but I still felt weak from the bites in my arms. The prisoner walked over to me and picked me up by the throat. "You know something? That punch actually hurt. Maybe because you hit my shin, but no one in this prison has ever hurt me." He grinned. "Maybe I should return the favor?"

He threw me to the ground and kicked my side. I could feel my body grow weaker with each blow. Before he could stomp on my chest, Jackson pushed the prisoner aside and jumped atop of him. Once on top, Jackson raised a metal bar above his head and slammed it down on the prisoner's head.

He panted for a few moments before turning to me with blood on his face. "Are you alright?"

I nodded but I couldn't lift myself off of the ground. "I... I can't move..."

"I'll get you." He stood up off of the prisoner but immediately fell on his face and went motionless. I tried to reach out to him but my eye lids got heavy and I fell on the gorund with him.

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