Day J-1

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I opened the door and an old man glared at me from his desk. He slowly ate a gummy worm and pointed to the couch in front of me. I swallowed and walked to the couch.

Before I even started to sit down, the man shouted, "BOO!!!" I screamed in a pathetically high pitched tone and fell into the couch. The man roared with laughter and slapped his knee. "Oh my God! You're as much of a wuss as Caroline makes you out to be!"

"Caroline?" I asked. "What do you know about her!?"

"Relax, Jackson," the man said as he tossed a bag of sour worms at me. "I'm just her therapist. I've been typing her story down in this laptop here." He tapped the keys on a small black laptop on his desk. "As much as I find her story interesting, I find this story lacking... detail. It's missing the point of view that makes other stories so great. So you're here to fill in the blanks."

"To fill in the blanks?" I looked down at my hands and shook my head. "Where do I even begin?"

The man leaned back in his chair and hummed to himself. "When did you first realize that Caroline lived with Phillip?"

"The first day he walked into her apartment that night. I saw him carry her in!"

The man smiled and sat up. "I'm John, by the way. Go ahead and tell me what happened that night."


I was watching Caroline from behind a car in the parking lot when I saw-


John started roaring with laughter and he started slamming his fist into his desk. He kept throwing his head back and forth as he laughed. "Oh my God!" he shouted. "You ARE a stalker! That's hilarious!"

"I'm not a stalker!" I protested. "I'm just watching over Caroline to make sure she is safe."

"By stalking her!?" John laughed more.

"It's not stalking!"

John sighed and wiped some tears out of his eyes. "Sure. Okay. What do we call it then? Protective secret surveilance?"

"Sure. Let's just call it that."


I was watching Caroline from behind one of the cars in the parking lot when I noticed that who I was watching was not Caroline. It was Phillip and he was carrying Caroline. She wasn't moving in his arms and it made me wonder why. I snuck around the back and looked inside the window into the living room. I watched him shut the door behind him and he started to frantically search the room with his eyes.

"Just set me down on my bed," I heard Caroline whisper. "I need some rest."


"Did you suspect anything at the time?" John asked. "Did you know what he was? What he did?"

"What did he do to Caroline that night, John? Caroline won't tell me."

John placed a hand in front of his mouth and laughed in a creepily deep voice. "Spoilers..."

"Tell me, John!"

John raised his hands. "I'm sorry. You'll have to wait for that answer. For now, I want you to continue the story. Maybe I'll reward you when you finish."

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