Day 5

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When I walked into John's office, John was sitting in his chair with a large baby blue blanket wrapped around him. His nose was red and his eyes were puffed out. He started to say something but he sneezed into his arm before a single word can come out.

"Are you sick?" I asked. "I never thought you could get sick."

John blew his nose into a tissue and tossed it into the trash can by his desk. "My son had a cold yesterday and I played with him when I got home. I ended up waking up sick."

"Why didn't you stay home? If you needed a sick day, you should've asked for one."

John laughed weakly and opened his drawer. He pulled out a pack of sour worms and tossed them to me. "Come on now, Caroline. You and I both know that I'm too interested in your story to miss out on a day."

I sat down on the couch and opened the bag of sour worms. "Are you sure? I'm sure the management can find someone to type the day you miss for you."

John shook his head and sniffled. "I don't want to read what happened! I want to-" He took in several deep breathes before he sneezed into his arm again. He sniffled and sighed. "I want to hear it from you! I want to react to what you SAY not what was written from what you said."

I laughed. "You really like this story, don't you?"

John nodded as he sniffled. "Yes, yes I do. Now, let's begin."


I woke up to the sound of boxes being moved in the room beside me. I sat up and looked at my alarm clock to see it read 4:00 A.M. I sighed and climbed out of bed. I opened my bedroom door and looked down the hall way to see Phillip moving cardboard boxes to the front door. He set down one box and looked at me.

"Oh. Good morning, Caroline." He took a few steps toward me. "Did I wake you up?"

I nodded. "What are you doing at this hour?"

Phillip looked at the boxes for a moment and looked back at me. "I thought to myself that, if I'm going to do this, I may as well get a head start."

I sighed. "I guess I can't argue with that."

I started to go back to bed when Phillip grabbed my wrist. "Caroline, I cleaned your clothes last night after you went to bed."

I looked at him in disbelief. "How did you do that?"

"There's a laundromat near the front office. As long as you live here, you can toss your clothes into the washers and driers all you want." He pointed toward the couch. When I followed his finger, I saw several piles of neatly folded clothes resting on the cushions. "I didn't know you had so much clothes."

I looked back at Phillip. "How long did this take you?"

Phillip shrugged. "It was about four loads of laundry so... maybe five and a half hours? I don't really know." He turned around and headed toward the kitchen. "I know it's early but what would you like for breakfast?"

I shook my head. "I don't know. Something with eggs, I guess. I'm going to take a shower."

I picked up some of the clean clothes and was surprised by how soft they were. I felt like I picked up some mini pillows. I took a quick shower and slipped into the clothes. It felt like I was wearing cotton candy, gently hugging my body with almost heavenly softness.

"Breakfast is ready," Phillip called.

I walked into the kitchen to see a strange looking dish. A french toast sat in the center of the plate with an over-easy egg in the center of the toast.

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