How he loves you.

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Obi wan.

He tells you almost every day.

He would seem like the one to be nervous to tell such a women how he feels . But he does. And even when he's in front of other Jedi masters he seems to find a way.

Whether it's sneaking glances


Touching you when nobody is looking .

He just really loves you.


I don't think Anakin knows what pda is.

But he really is good at it.

Like really good.

He would always find a time to have a mini make out sessions with you. It's almost comical how nobody knows about your relationship.

And well you just love to kiss Anakin.

Who doesn't....?


Well....he can be loud.

He will yell at the top of his lungs to show everyone and you that he loves you. Especially if you both have been to busy to talk to each other.

He would get on the highest thing in the room. And yell.


And proceed to what he was doing before.

You almost always turn into a tomato.


He really loves you.

But he's so awkward. It almost makes you owe your pants out of laughter when he tried to show affection. Because he really doesn't know how to do it.

" Y/ N I really think you no.....I feel as if I could punch a baby....that wrong..." He would trail off and start to get mad.

You simply giggle and kiss his helmet.

"I love you to Kylo"


See Han is more of the player of the universe.

And how do players show affection?

Well they show it with the most passion they can. And that is exactly what Han does. He will NEVER NOT have a hand on you.

He likes to touch your butt in public. And when your relationship became longer.

You realized it was his way of saying

I love you....

And your butt....

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