December 3rd

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December 3rd


Care. To care. To be cared for. It’s one word, four letters. One syllable, a warm sanctuary of protection or a hole in someone’s heart, a word over used by people. People who don’t realize the true meaning, what it is to care and how empty you feel when no one does.

“I care”.

All it is is an empty, fake condolence that is given when there is nothing else to say. And I live in reality, a bleak, barren reality where no one cares.

And it hurts.

It hurts to breathe, and there’s no point in trying.

I’m lonely but I’m never alone. Some times you can’t be fixed, it takes courage to move on, to keep trying. People will always hurt you but in the end you’re down to yourself and only you can decide whether to pick up your own pieces or feel lonely. It’s courage. And courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, “I will try again tomorrow”.

I tear myself open and on the inside I’m ripped to shreds. I need help, some one to numb the wound, to make it better, to console me. But I’ve been abandoned and I can’t see past the fog that my monster has trapped me in.

And it’s choking me.

But that’s just how this world works.

You either walk on water or you drown.

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