October 28th

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October 28th

Sometimes I write because I can escape, go somewhere I can pretend everything is perfect. I can speak without being interrupted; make this pencil the tongue of my mind. I can feel whole.

Writing lets my mind be a light to truth, it scares away the monster that hides in the shadows. He hides, that monster, he’s scared by my strength but feeds of my weakness. He’s not fluffy and colourful like in children’s tales, he’s invisible, to others, but I see him. Whether he hides in the shadows cast by my bedroom lamp or he seeks other forms like the ones at school, he makes me feel small, insignificant, worthless. Writing helps me escape him, it’s my sanctuary that no one can touch.

It’s my friend that I know will never leave, it will stay, I can trust it.

Writing is my sword to fight the monster that lurks in the shadow at the back of my mind. This monster talks. It reminds me of the bad things, of the things I wish I hadn’t heard. It stops me from moving on.

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