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"I'm half timelord you know! I could kick your butt!" I exclaimed, weakened by my struggling, tears threatening to fall down my cheeks. "Threats are useless. You will be upgraded," was the cold reply I received, as I was dragged into a hall of cubicles, each one filled with the piercing screams of helpless humans. My nose was inches from the cubicle, and I prepared for what would be the end. I would never see my mother again, never see Tom, break my promise to them, never come back...never tell the Doctor that I-

Suddenly a familiar voice came from behind me. "Pretty pale girl!" I craned my neck to see, and it was the young man from the Greek fruit stall! "What happened?" I asked him, struggling against the grip of the Cybermen. "They’ve taken everyone from the streets! What's happening, pretty girl? I'm scared," he replied, a tear slipping down his young tanned cheek. I shook my head silently, tired from struggling, as he was shoved into the cubicle. I stood there, helplessly listening him being changed from innocent young man to emotionless metal shell, accompanied by his heart-breaking yells. "DOCTOR! HELP!" I screamed, but my pleas were heard only but the metal monsters, which showed no sign of relent. "You're going to die. This is the end. Your precious Doctor can't save you now..." was all that ran through my mind, as a metal palm shoved me into a cubicle. Trying to escape was useless, as a door slid shut in front of my eyes. I fell against the side, and felt my body giving way. I was barely aware of a bolt of blue light shooting through my body. "Doctor, I'm so sorry…" I murmured, a single tear slipping down my cheek. I was unconscious before my head hit the floor. 

"Lillian! Lillian! It okay, I've got you!" A worried voice roused me. I opened my eyes wide, and stared up into the relieved (and rather frightened) face of the timelord. My timelord. "What the f..." was all that I managed to utter before the blackness once again consumed me. 

When I woke again, I was under soft, cream coloured sheets. "How on earth did I get here?" I mused, looking down at my clothes. I checked under the sheets, to see I was only in my Beatles t-shirt and underwear, covered by the tweed jacket which reached halfway down my thighs. "I was expecting a 'thank god i'm alive', but at least you're awake now… and alive..." a relieved voice made me jump, and I looked up instantly, to see the Doctor sat at the foot of the bed, looking distantly at the wall next to me. He looked worn out and despaired, his dark hair everywhere, suspenders hanging from their clips on his trousers, shirt sleeves rolled up. I sighed, and took the sheets off of me, moving so I was sat cross-legged inches from the man who had saved me. I gave him a sort-of hug, wrapping my arms round his torso and resting my head on his shoulder. "It's not your fault. I mean, you did save me," I mumbled into his hair. 

"Yeah, I suppose," he replied, giving a tired laugh. He pulled away, and looked at me. "Does this scare you? The close-to death thing?" he asked, looking straight into my eyes.

"Oh hell, no way! Not with all the crap I’ve put up with in my life, this is just a breeze!" I said, and he gave a sigh of relief. "Now come here, I don’t feel like moving very far now. This feels like the worst hangover ever times ten, and my limbs ache,” I said, dragging him onto the bed. We lay on top of the unmade sheets, heads rested on my pillow, studying each other’s facial expressions. I fiddle with his bow tie. He tucks a lock of hair behind my ear. “What happened to the Cybermen then?” I asked him.

“Turns out they were heading towards a black hole. There was a lot of ‘The black hole has pulled us in. Escape is futile. The Cybermen will rise again!’ Sort of thing, before I went back to the TARDIS, somehow materialised around you and brought us to the edge of space,” He replied, shrugging.

“Oh. Fair enough. Not exactly dramatic, then.” I say back. All of a sudden, I burst into relieved, uncontrollable giggles. They carried on for about five minutes, and I ended up in the fetal position, struggling for breath, my stomach aching, while questioning what on earth had happened to my semi-normal, teenage life.

But this was way much better.

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