Chapter 12

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The sound of a muffled voice in the next room is enough for Harry to start moving. His chest is heaving with pain, and blood is dripping from his swollen lips. His hands carefully push the broken glass out of the way. There was only a small window of opportunity to get out of this situation. His phone remained shattered on the other side of the room, way too broken to function. The taste of blood is enough to make Harry sick to his stomach. With every second that passes, his stomach becomes more twisted. It had been roughly about 20 minutes since he found the opportunity to text Louis his address, but then his phone was being launched across the room. This had been going on for almost an hour. Harry doesn't even know how Nick had even gotten into the house. All he knew his mother had gone out with friends for a few hours. It was almost relieving to have Anne leave the house because since that night, she had been smothering Harry every waking minute.

The exit to get outside was less than 2 meters away. If Harry could just move a little faster, he would be able to get out of the house and raise an alarm. As Harry forced his shaking body to move a little faster, he strained to listen out for Nick's voice. The start of his and Nick's conversation was okay, but Harry knew he was in danger the minute he saw the boy.

"What do I do with him? You understand that he brought this upon himself. He doesn't get to choose when he wants to leave me. I've done nothing but be there for him for so long. I know I haven't been the best but I'm the best he'll ever get,"

By the sounds of it, Nick's having an argument on his phone. As far as Nick knows, Harry's unconscious in the corner of the kitchen. Harry's white shirt is covered in patches of his own blood and he has to keep spitting the blood that is pooling in his mouth onto the floor. His head aches, his body is screaming in agony but he has to keep moving or else he's not going to get out of here. Harry can't help but feel angered by Louis' absence. It was the only option Harry had. He didn't want to call the police and become a part of an investigation. He doesn't want to press charges. It was the harsh reality that Louis wasn't going to come. But Louis had more of a fighting chance than Niall or Ed. It seemed to take an eternity but Harry finally finds himself at the side door. His hands are smeared with his own blood and he's seeing doubles. The panic is starting to rise. Harry has to make this as quiet as possible if he wants to escape with his life. His hands are slippery on the handle but he eventually opens it up, and cringes when the door creaks so loud it echoes. He looks over his shoulder, eyes filling with tears.

"Please," His voice is almost silent.

Nick's voice is cut off abruptly as Harry forces the door open wide at once, and uses the last of his energy to run. He can hear Nick's footsteps approaching the kitchen. Harry's legs are completely numb and useless but he is able to make it to the front of his house. There's a moment of shock that is replaced with utter relief when he collides into someone. The first instinct is to scream, but the voice that accompanies the body is instantly calming. It's not Nick. Harry looks up through blurred eyes, staring the random man that is still making an effort to hold him up. The man has dark brown eyes and he's yelling.

"Louis, for fuck sake," The man shouts

The name hits Harry like a tonne of bricks and he feels himself stiffen slightly. He tries to make himself stand up, but he stays leaning on the man. Another pair of hands are suddenly on Harry, and Harry's crying.

"What the fuck is going on?" Louis' voice is panicked

Louis' bronze hair is dishevelled and his skin is flushed pink. Harry's not sure whether it's the fact Louis has probably ran here, or if it's because of how cold it is at the moment. But he doesn't get that far because Louis is grabbing Harry and forcing him to stand up right. Harry watches carefully as Louis takes in the state of Harry and his face physically looks like it's in pain.

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