I'm Sorry (IMPORTANT!)

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To those of you who like "DO NOT READ AT NIGHT!" and are waiting for an update.... I'm just going to admit that I've lost interest in it and no longer feel like writing it. Sorry (not really). Um... I appreciate all of the votes, comments, and reads. This was literally one of the first books I created on Wattpad, which was about a year ago actually. I've gotten burned out, and after coming up with a million excuses for not updating, I'm going to point this out: IT IS HIGHLY UNLIKELY (but not impossible) THAT I WILL UPDATE THIS. I honestly don't care if it's my most popular book or not. In the end, I know it should be about the readers, but I realized that that's not true. The writer is the one who gives the final word on... well, everything. DO NOT READ AT NIGHT! has just reached 20,000 views... And the entire time, I'm just thinking what the hell?! How do you people like this stuff? 

I don't mean to pull the 'I have school so I can't update, either' excuse, but that's an additional reason to quit updating. Lack of interest, stress, inactivity, laziness, and of course, my friends, a lack of confidence can also be thrown into the list. I mean, I was, like, 12 when I wrote this. And as the year went on, I've just been... bored with this book. I know you all love it and all (maybe not ALL of you, I'm exaggerating), but I DON'T. 

Again, I apologize, but I really don't feel like adding on to this book. Thank you to everybody who took the time to even glance at the story. Because of all of you, I've managed to get to places I've never reached. I mean, THIS BOOK WAS RATED #30 IN HORROR (in the past, anyhow). THAT'S AMAZING. I've gathered hundreds of people to follow an awkward teenager. You guys are... INSANE (In a good way).

If I get interested in this book again, then I'll do my best to give you the best damn chapter on Wattpad (Ha, that'll never happen). ~Person_Person_

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