The Long Walk Home

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It was 11:20 that night....

I was walking home that night after a tiring night-study session at the school.

Nobody was on the street. I found this strange. I usually see a lot of people wandering at night, especially since my apartment complex is pretty big.

For some reason, I began to feel anxious. Scared, I kept glancing down at the ground, still walking home.

Suddenly a dark shadow stretching towards me caught my eyes, although there wasn't anybody around me.

I looked up to see who was the one casting the shadow and saw a woman dragging herself in front of me. She didn't look okay. She looked unusual and... plain strange appearing, even seeing her back from a distance. She looked crippled. Her leg was twisted and crooked. She was limping as she walked the sidewalk in front of me.

Since she was walking very slow, I soon was able to catch up with her. Up close, I was able to see her better.

Her hair was a mess. The black hair was knotted and sticking up everywhere. She was wearing dirty, disgusting pink pajamas that were caked with mud and dirt. It looked like all of her joints had been twisted. Her arms were thrown carelessly to the side, her barefoot swollen and bent nearly all the way backward.

It was so weird that I just stopped walking. I had a sick feeling in my gut. I didn't want to get any closer to this woman. But I also didn't want to pass her, either.

The woman snapped her head around. Her head twisted and cracked as she turned her head around her neck all the way. Her eyes were black hollow pits, her mouth flooding with dark red blood that dripped down her chin. Her face was covered in dry blood and cuts.

I was so shocked that I couldn't even scream in horror. I couldn't say a word. I froze there, not able to move an inch.

The woman snapped open her lips, revealing bloody gums. Her teeth had been torn out of her mouth... Her lips moved open and closed in jerked, forced movements. "Where is my baby...?" she demanded, her voice scratchy and raspy.

I didn't know how to answer. I immediately began to think wildly, trying to come up with a reply. Oh my god, I had no idea what to say.... I was still trying to get over my shock of seeing her like that.

With a shaky hand, I pointed my index finger as far as I could. "O-O-over there," I stammered, my entire body shivering in fear.

I had pointed into a random direction, just so I could get her away from me.

The woman didn't respond. She snapped her head in the proper direction, and began limping towards the direction that I had pointed to.

I waited there until I could no longer see her.

I was scared that I would run into her again, so I tried to turn around and leave that apartment complex.

I couldn't think of a better place to be right now than an area with people around.

When I started to hurry away, I heard an outraged shriek.

"She is NOT here!!!" I heard her screaming angrily from far away.

I saw a flash of red and black. The woman had flew over here and jumped onto of me, slamming me into the ground. My head impacting the pavement, and I heard a sickening THUD. I quickly lost consciousness.

I don't really remember anything from that point on. I heard that a neighbor had found me passed out on the ground and took me home.

A few years ago, at my apartment complex, a 33 year old woman had jumped off the building, dying on the spot.

She had lost custody of her 2 year old daughter, her only child, and decided quickly after to commit suicide.

After that incident, she was seen many times walking around the apartment complex.

Update: I didn't have any more ideas for stories. So yeahhh, I took this from that one moving picture story thingy

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