Chapter 20 - Jackson

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"I love you too Jackson," she murmured into my chest.

But what she didn't realize, what she didn't understand, was how much those words meant to me. Especially coming from her.

After another few minutes of standing there in deep embrace, Elena finally let go, wiping her eyes.

I could feel a small frown replace my smile as I felt the cold wind where Elena's warm body had been.

"Come back here," I say, grabbing her wrist again to pull her back.

Elena threw her head back in laughter as she skillfully slipped out of my grip.

"Nuh-uh," she said, smiling. "Not until you bring me back to the festival, apologize to Darren and Sailor, and then win me a prize."

She watched with an amused expression as my face fell and I give her my best puppy dog eyes.

"But, I thought you loved me?" I pout, teasingly.

She smirks, and heads back toward the car. "I'll love you even more if you do what I ask."

I groan in agreement and trudge down her driveway back towards the car. "Women," I mutter.

"I heard that!" She coos, seating herself in the passenger seat.

We drive in silence back to the festival, the streetlights guiding our way. The silence, however, isn't an uncomfortable one. It's the kind of silence that is in place of a thousand words. The kind of silence where you don't need to say anything to know what the other person is thinking. It's the kind of silence that we both have needed for the last few weeks, and have finally gotten.

We pull back into the festival lot and head toward where we left Darren and Sailor.

"Hey," I hear Elena whisper to me, I turn toward her to see her still looking forward, but I feel her hand slip into mine as we continue to walk through the crowd.

"There they are!" she says happily, pointing toward a cotton candy stand.

Darren was handing a cotton candy stick to a smiling Sailor, who was carrying - or attempting to carry - the giant teddy bear from the game stand under her right arm.

Darren looks up and spots Elena and me, and walks over to us, Sailor close behind.

"You guys came back," he smiles once he reaches us.

"Yeah," Elena says, giving the smallest of smiles in return.

Darren looks at Elena, then to me, and then down at our intertwined hands.

"I'm guessing everything went well?" he asks.

I stand there quizzically, while Elena just blushes and nods.

"It really took you guys long enough," Sailor adds, her mouth full of cotton candy.

I wasn't really sure how she would take this, but I guess this is the best reaction I could've had. Today must be my lucky day.


A few months later... December 21

"Elena!" I laughed. She was telling me some stupid joke or something like that about Dalior. Darren and Sailor had gotten together and they seem to be holding up the long distance relationship okay and then Elena made a ship.

"Its perfect! Its a totally good ship name."

"Sure, Elena." I laughed. Then something tugged in the back of my mind.

"Why won't it snow?"

"Snow?" Elena laughed. It was good to see her happy like this. "It barely ever snows in Phoenix, Jackson. Its all desert."

"So you've never seen snow?"

"Right." She said. I frowned. I have to show her snow. Its beautiful.

"Well, your coming to Chicago with me." I smiled.

"I am? I thought you from Boston."

"We have family in Chicago. And your coming with. There's tons of snow."

"I can't do that!" she gasped, pulling away from me.

"I think you can. I'll go ask your mom right now," I smirk, marching toward the door of her house.

I hear Elena huff, and then trail reluctantly behind me. She stepped in front of me, only to open the door and then beckon me inside.

"Good luck with my mom." She whispered and then she set her stuff down in the kitchen.

"Don't worry, this will be a piece of cake."

She gives me a small frown and then calls her mother.

"Mom! I'm home!" She called and then turned to me. "And I brought a friend!" Instantly, small steps could be heard on the stairs and I stood still until Elena's mom appeared. She was in an average green tee and blue jeans. If I had to have a mom other than my own, I'd pick Elena's.

"Jackson!" She smiled.

"Hello, Mrs. Ronson!" I smiled.

"No, you are going no where with that name, Mr. Steel. Call me Andrea." She poked me in the chest and then waved her finger at me. I nodded.

"So, I have a question..."

"Yes?" She left to the kitchen but Elena pointed after her as if to say, follow her idiot.

"I-I, uh, was wondering if I could take Elena to Chicago with me so she can see snow for the first time." I scratched the back of my neck. Mrs- I mean Andrea, spun on her heels to face me.

"You wanna take my Elena on a trip? To see snow?"

"Yes ma'am." I stood as still as a soilder.

"Alright then."

"Let me explain-"

"No need. Go ahead." She smiled.

"I... Okay! Thank you!"

"But Jackson, I want her home before Christmas!"


I walk back over to Elena, a big smile on my face.

"Told you it would be easy."


I love this book. Jackson and Elena are so kawaii!!

Alright. Loves!

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