Chapter 13 - Elena

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I went right up to my room and flopped onto my bed. I crawled under the sheets and hid. And something shocked me.

I began crying.

And I haven't cried in a long time. I haven't cried since Joy died. Not even shed a tear.

In some ways, crying again feels nice. It feels comforting, to finally let out every emotion that had been building up inside me, and just cry and cry. But on the other hand, it's discouraging. I'm crying over what? Jackson? Why is he worthy of my tears? He wouldn't understand that I just can't bring myself to tell anyone about Joy.

He tells me one minute that I can trust him, and he isn't like his father, and then the next minute, he's yelling at me for not telling him about my deceased sister.

But the troubling thing is, that I'm more mad at myself than I am at Jackson. For so long I've never opened up to anyone, never let anyone in. And when I finally do, of course - disaster strikes. Maybe I really am better off alone.


The next day at school, I walk into my first period class and sit down in my assigned seat. Opening my textbook, I feel the small breeze of a person walking past me, and I look up to see Jack take his seat right behind me.

Shoot. I forgot he sat there.

The whole class period, it takes literally all my will power not to turn around and look at him. But honestly, I'm not quite sure what I'd do. I know I'd either give him a cold hard glare, or end up with a sad look on my face. Either way, I'm not sure I even want to know his reaction.

I silently pulled out my sketch pad, one of my dearest treasures to me, and I begin to doodle. Small drawings at first, a Starbucks red cup, a stack of books. Then what surprises me is the drawing I do without trying.

A perfect drawing of Jackson.

A perfect one.


Although he's features were rough, there was a certain softness to his eyes, to how he stared at me through the paper.

A pencil tapped my desk.

"What?" I whispered while snapping shut my notepad.

"I was just wondering how you drew Jackson absolutely perfect." The girl in front of me said while eyeing Jackson. She had long blonde hair and dark green eyes. She had a long nose and high cheekbones. I desperately tried to remember her name. Um... Taylor? Terry? Tammy? Uh... Trim?

"Um..." I stuttered.

"Are you guys a thing?" She inquired. I felt my own jaw drop. I heaistated. Too long, Elena, too long!

"No," I said after an moment. A grabbed a piece of my own dull hair and slowly let it drop. I did that when I was nervous. I did that the first time I talked to Jackson."No, not at all." The girl smiled at me.

"Okay good." She turned away. What was that about?



She liked Jackson.

And that made me feel jealous.


Oh my.....

Oh my.

I know that was a really short chapter and I'm really sorry but I felt that was a really good place to stop.


Okay anyways,

We love you guys.

xoxo ~The WritingGeeks Team

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