Chapter 16 - Jackson

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I tried. I really tried. The cliche movies where the guy confesses his undying love and the girl falls into his arms - they're unrealistic and just make you feel bad about your own relationships. And I had my hopes up too high. She wouldn't even let me finish.

I sat in my bedroom on the second floor of this two story house and stared down to where Elena's room would be. The curtains on her window were drawn as usual. But my heart sank.

I don't care Jackson.

Her words echoed in my head, the sad reminder that of course she didn't care, I am nothing to her. Where she has become everything to me. The past couple days, I've been hanging around Sailor. When you have a friend that's really chatty, you kinda loose yourself.

I was perfectly fine with being around Sailor every so often, until a question became like a hammer to the heart.

"Jackson, do you love Elena?" Sailor asked while munching on her lunch. We were outside near the tree eating when Sailor dropped the bombshell.

"Do you?" She stopped chewing to look at me straight in the eye.

"Well, I..." I hesitated. Do you? My own head asked my heart.

"Not really." I lied. I continued to eat my lunch but she just looked at me.

"Not really?" She shook her head and narrowed her eyes at me. "That's not an answer, Jackson."

"Sure it is!"

"No, its not. That's like saying 'Oh! Do you like mushrooms?' 'Not really.'"

"That is totally irrelevant to this current conversation. Plus, that is a totally acceptable answer."

"No. Its not. So answer. Yes or No?"

"'Yes or No' what?" I stalled.

"Do you love Elena? Yes or No?"

I just stare at her blankly, refusing to answer the question.

"Fine," she says. "Do you like her?"




"No." I lied. "Not really." I added. Sailor just rolled her eyes and continued to eat her lunch.




I am officially the worst liar in the whole world.


Today I decided not to drive to school but to walk.

So now I have to walk home.

As I was walking home, I passed a small cafe. Its was a small brick building that read "Rosewood Cafe" on a small wooden sign hanging above the door. Small plant potters hung from the roof, an assortment of roses and lilacs. I stepped inside and ordered a coffee.

Tap Tap

I turned to the annoying noise to find Sailor.

"Hey!" She smiled.

"Hey." I shrugged. Outside, Elena passed. Elena takes this way home?

No. She's taking this way home to get away from you.

"Well, I have to go-" I started.

"No! No Jackson! You can't follow her every where you go! Can't you just move on already?" Sailor suddenly outbursted. I stared at her, stunned.

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