I Fucked Up

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Kendall P.O.V

Why did I agree to this bet? I don't even want to pretend to like her. At first I was worried about Kylie being angry but I saw her making out with Brad Sharp at her locker. What does Cara even want from me? I mean I get that she gets in bed with a lot of people but I mean I'm nothing special. I'm skinny and pale. Plus I'm 5'9", clumsy, and the only reason people know who I am is because of basketball and Kylie.

"Alright we have geometry first so let's go Kenny." Cara tugged me along. I really don't want to sit with her. Cara's friends are al jerks, brats, and party animals. The exact opposite of me.

"Hey Cara. Oh and if it isn't Miss Kendall Jenner." One of her friends I think her name is Karlie said smirking at me. All of them looked smug. I really didn't want to sit with them.

"She's sitting with us in class and during lunch." Cara sat down and pulled me into the seat next to her.

"Actually uh I can't sit with you at lunch. I sit with my best friend GiGi. I stated awkwardly not making eye contact with anyone.

"Well not today, you're sitting with me and my friends." Before I could protest the teacher came in and class Started. Sitting next to Cara and her friends really sucked. They fouled around and talked bad to all the teachers. Now it's lunchtime and I don't plan on sitting with them "Hey Gi." I sat across from my best friend GiGi Hadid. We've been friends since pre-school. Instead of saying hi back she just stared at something behind me.

"I believe you were supposed to be sitting with me Miss Jenner." God why me? Why can't she just leave me t fuck alone? "Now come on I want to eat my lunch." She grabbed my arm and tried to pull me with her. I yanked my arm away and glared at her.

"No. I'm sitting with my best friend. You can sit here if you want but I'm not moving for you Cara." She rolled her eyes and plopped down next to me.

"What's your problem babe? I mean lighten up." She smirked and GiGi's eyes went wide. Great now I have to explain to my best friend why the school's badass popular rich chic is my "girlfriend".

"It's not what you think Gi it's just a bet but you can't tell anyone or else I'm basically her slave for a while so keep your big mouth shut." She started laughing and everyone stared. The bad part was she had been drinking water and so she spit it out. Thankfully none on me but Cara wasn't so lucky.

"What the fuck." Cara growled. She gritted her teeth and sent a death glare at Gi. "You're dead." She jumped to grab her but I held her back.

"What the hell Cara it's just water you'll live. Let's just go to the bathroom and wipe it off. I'll see you in English Gi sorry that Cara's a bitch." I dragged an angry Cara out of the lunch room and shoved her into the bathroom. "You need to control your anger."

"No, your friend is just an idiot. She's lucky I have water proof mascara on or you wouldn't have been able to hold me back." She began furiously wiping the water off her face.

"My friend?! Have you met yours? They're all jerks. They make fun of me and other people and you guys are all bullies. Forget the bet. You're a bitch and I can't even pretend to like you even a little. I don't plan on doing what you say. You never said anything about backing out of the bet." I shot her one glare then quickly left the bathroom angry.

Cara P.O.V

Well fuck. I guess I was being a little bitchy. But her ass of a friend got water all over me. I mean it's on my favorite shoes. OK yeah I'm starting to sound like a rich little brat. God I feel stupid. I walked out of the bathroom to look for Kendall but she wasn't in the hall and since its still lunchtime she wouldn't be in our next period classroom. Forget it, I'll see her I class and try to convince her to stay with the bet. With that final thought I decided to go to the classroom early for once.

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