A Deal With The Devil

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Kendall P.O.V

I was perfectly asleep, just lying in bed having a nightmare due to that stupid movie when I felt something get on top of me. My eyes flew open and there was the devil herself. Before I could even get a word out of my mouth her lips were on mine. The worst part was that I liked it. Her lips were soft and had the slightest taste of strawberry. What do I do? Should I push her off? Do I kiss her back? No you idiot she's just playing you. It wouldn't hurt to try. No! Fuck it. I kissed back even though I knew the consequences. No, this was going to be different. It was just a kiss. I was not having sex with Cara anytime soon or ever. After a few more seconds she pulled away.

"I knew you couldn't resist. Now just lose all the clothing and we can begin to have some real fun." She wiggled her eye brows and that stupid smirk came back. No way was I doing anything like that with her.

"Sorry Cara that was only a kiss. I don't plan on stripping for you. I'm not easy like Kylie. Now get off me and get out of my room." The smirk left her face and she just starred. She seemed very confused and she was clearly trying to see if I was lying.

"You know what how about we play a little game. We go out for a month. We act like a real couple and then at the end of the month when you fall for me I get to do what I want with you." The smirk was back because everyone in school knew that I may be quiet and hated attention but I couldn't say no to a challenge.

"Fine but if I win you leave me alone. Wait no; if I win you have to do it with Kylie again. And from what I heard before I left it was probably the worst sex you've ever had. I mean she sounded like an angry cat." Cara's eyes widened for a bit but then she tried to act like she didn't care.

"Deal. Now I have a reason to sleep in here" She rolled off me put her arms around my waist and fell asleep. Before I drifted to sleep my mind finally realized something. I had just made a deal with the devil.

Cara P.O.V

I woke up that morning and the first thing I got to see was an angel. God was she beautiful. If I wasn't Cara Delevingne I would probably want to be in a long relationship with her. But I am Cara Delevingne so...nope. All I had to do was make her fall for me before a month passes. I mean that can't be hard. After a few minutes of thinking Kendall woke up. "Hey babe" I winked at her but all she did was glare. "Now Kendall dear remember we have a deal. So turn that frown upside down." She rolled her eyes then put on a sickly sweet smile.

"Of course sweetheart." She gritted her teeth and got out of bed. I assume she is going to have breakfast so I follow. She grabs some cereal and two bowls and after a few minutes hands me a bowl of Frosted Flakes.

"Thanks." After a long silence I decide to talk. "At school we have to hold hands and you are sitting with me and my friends at lunch." She quickly shakes her head.

"I'm not sitting with your group. You're all a bunch of assholes. I know I'm not exactly friendly with my teammates but a lot of them are popular and they tell me all the names you and your friends call me."

"To bad so sad Kenny. You have to sit with me and that's final. Now go get dressed and I'm driving." She ran upstairs and after five minutes she came down ready to go. I could tell she wanted to drive but oh well sucks for her. On the way to school I grabbed her hand and she immediately stiffened.

"We aren't at school yet. We don't have to start acting until we are in the building." She tried to pull her hand away but I held on.

"We have to practice Kenny. No one will believe we are dating unless our acting is spot on and besides we are about to pull into the parking lot." After that I parked the car and got out. She didn't get out of the car until I dragged her out and with that we made our way into the building.

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