your a what!

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School on Monday was miserable. Josh had been avoiding her and now so was Amie. Terra didn’t know what it was but it felt like Amie was hiding something from her. When their parents came home the night before Terra had woke up and found everyone in the office having a heated discussion.

“We don’t know what they want! We need to have our best guard the pack while part of us runs a perimeter.”

Terra was really confused when she heard these words. Guard the what? Deciding not to put too much thought into to it she went back to bed and was really shocked when she heard howling coming from somewhere near the house.

The day went by even slower than usual and Terra noticed that Amie and Josh seemed even more tired than usual. Josh who was usually the leader of the school seemed even more quiet and withdrawn.

When Aiden walked up to her at lunch he kissed her briefly and she could have sworn that she heard a growl from behind her as Josh came storming past.

Terra had enough. Quickly she followed Josh out of the building and into the nearby woods. What she saw blew her away. Instead of finding Josh she found a large black wolf sitting by the pond with his nose in the water. As she watched him she couldn’t help but feel as though she knew the wolf. Before she knew it she was walking towards the wolf with her hand out stretched. When the wolf turned around she was surprised to see bright blue eyes staring up at her. The wolf came closer and nuzzled its snout into her palm and she couldn’t help but smile and giggle.

Finally feeling comfortable she sat down in the pasture and cuddled up to the wolf. For some reason the wolf’s eyes looked familiar to her.

“I may sound crazy but your eyes look so familiar to me.” The Giant wolf stuck its tongue out and it looked as though he was smiling at her.

“I was looking for someone. You may have seen him walk by.” The wolf looked at her as though urging her to go on.

“You see there is this boy. And he confuses me so much. One minute it’s as though he wants to be with me and then the next he acts like I do not exist. I love him. I think I always have but the other night we made love and everything felt right. Until I woke up alone. For some reason this hurt me more than anything else I have ever been though.”

Terra quit talking and she felt the wolf lick the fallen tears from her cheeks. She smiled and kissed him on the nose. As she looked into his eyes she finally realized who they reminded her of. Squinting her eyes she looked at the wolf closely.

It was as though the wolf knew what she was thinking and nodded its head.

“Josh?” The wolf nodded again and Terra let out a gasp.

“But it’s impossible.” She stood up quickly and began to back away. Within seconds the wolf transformed and Josh stood before her.

“Wait Terra please let me explain!” He shouted as she turned around and took off through the trees with in ten minutes she was home and as she walked through the door she found Amie sitting with her parents with a panicked look on her face.

“Oh Terra please let us explain. Josh called and told us everything.” Terra held her hand up and shook her head. She needed time to take all of this in. running to her room she barely made it to her bed before she blacked out and was dead to the world.

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