Evolution Exposé

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Chapter 30: Evolution Exposé 

Quote of the Day: "The role of science is only to observe and describe the patterns that Allah (SWT) places in His creation."

Background Information:

☼ The term evolution means "change in inherited characteristics overtime."

☼ The Evolution Theory was proposed by Charles Darwin, a scientist during the 1800s stating that living things acquired characteristics to better adapt to their environment.

To be brief, and not get too technical, the issue I am addressing today is one of the concepts of the Evolution Theory that states that humans and primates share common ancestry and humans may have possibly evolved from said primates.

Let's Get Down to the Facts

Ⅰ. Organisms produce more offspring for survival

Ⅱ. Differences or "variations" occur among offspring in species

Ⅲ. These variations pass on through generations to other offspring

Ⅳ. Some of these variations aid survival and so these individuals survive more and reproduce more

Ⅴ. Over time individuals with differences grow in number and "become a separate species".

There is nothing in the Quran or Sunnah affirming or denying ape relations with humans. IF these animals had once existed, they were NOT the forefathers of Adam (AS), who was the first man ever created.

In the Quran - the direct revelation of Allah (SWT) to mankind - Allah (SWT) informs us: "O mankind! We have created you from male and female and made you into nations and tribes so that you may know one another. Verily, the most honorable of you with God is the one most God-fearing." (Quran 49:13)

Furthermore, the Prophet (SAW) himself says, "Human beings are the children of Adam and Adam was created from Earth. Adam was created without parents." That indicates that Adam was the first and there are no others before him as far as we know.

Whether you like it or not, science is science and science doesn't believe what cannot be proved through experimentation and use of the five senses. Regardless, we all have to learn the Evolution Theory one way or another and when you get down to it, the central idea is creation and how we came to be.

Creation? Well that's easy, Allah (SWT) created the world in six days. And then He created Adam from earth and from his rib he created Hawa - thus leading to the first man and woman on earth. And from there Hawa had twenty sets of twins with one boy and one girl each. Easy, right?

Well yes and no. We as Muslims believe what is written in the Quran. So we know this and believe it. But sometimes are beliefs are challenged in a classroom setting and in that instance it's best to keep quiet, accept what your teacher says, while holding true to your beliefs. Unless you have the knowledge and capability to counter otherwise, it's best to lay low.

Remember, the Evolution Theory is still a theory, with approximately 93% evidence. Just because its taught doesn't mean that it's 100% true. Allah (SWT) knows all and what He knows we do not - as He proved to the angels when creating Adam. There are some things in revealed to us, and in these cases we must accept His word because He is the wisest.

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