Chapter Twenty Eight: Pacifica's P.O.V. Danger

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A voice is whispering to me. A small, soft, distant voice echoing calmly through the void of my dream.
"Danger," the mysterious voice says normally, like it was trying to get a point across.
I try to answer, and I want to answer, but no sound comes out of my mouth. I struggle to get my vocal chords working. I feel as if I'm being choked.
"Danger," the voice repeats, now angry."Danger!"
What danger? I want to ask, but I am completely unable to speak.
"Danger!" the voice booms."Danger! DANGER!" It's mad as hell. Fire erupts and I struggle to talk and even breathe."DANGER!"
I wake up screaming my head off. Everything is blurry. Is this real? Is this reality? Or washer just the beginning of my nightmare?
"Pacifica!" two familiar voices shout in concern, but I can't make out who they are and where it's coming from. It seems far away, said I'm underwater and the voices are above water.
I feel hot and sweaty. I'm trembling.
"Pacifica," a soft voice says. A hand touches mine and reality zooms back into my brain. Everything is clear. I gasp for air.
"M-Mabel..." I begin to stammer, but words aren't really working for me right now.
"She's laying in a puddle of sweat," Dipper comments.
"Can you get up? Are you alright? Do you need a water?" my girlfriend asks calmly, even though I see the panic in her eyes.
"I-I... don't... know..."
"Take my hand," Mabel says. I grasp her small warm hand and she helps me sit up in the sweaty bed."Now, what happened?"
"D-danger. There was... a... um, a voice. It kept saying danger," I reply shaking.
Mabel and Dipper exchange glances.
"Did the voice sound... familiar, at all?" Dipper questions.
I know what they're thinking."It wasn't Bill. It was deeper, scarier..."
"Here, come with me. We'll get you a water," Mabel offers. She assists me with getting up and lets me lean on her as we make our way downstairs, leaving Dipper jotting down notes in the extra pages of the journal.
"I-it doesn't mean anything... does it?" I ask Mabel.
"I'm not really sure. Sorry." She pours me a glass of water and I cautiously take it. I take a sip and set it down on the table.
"You'll be fine, Pacifica. I'll watch out for you." She kisses me on the forehead and plops down beside me."Do you wanna stay here for a little longer? I don't want you being with your parents while you're shaken up. We have a better chance of knowing what's going on and understanding then they do."
I manage a slight smile."Sure. Thanks."
We sit for a minute, and soon I feel like I'm drowning in the silence. I finally wonder,"What do you think it is?"
"It could just be a regular ol' nightmare, but chances of that in Gravity Falls? Not very good. If it wasn't Bill, it could've been another demon or parasite or whatever, but we've never met any other demon, so it'd be kind of random for it to go after you instead of me or Dipper."
"Yeah." I nod."But maybe it's associated with Bill somehow? Because Bill knows you, and you know Bill. If he tried to contact me you could eventually figure out his weakness and knock him right out of my mind. But if he assigned another demon or parasite to do his dirty work, you can't do anything about it immediately. And instead of going for you guys, he'd go for me - someone you care about."
Looking at Mabel after saying that was heartbreaking. She looked like I had been hit by a truck."We gotta go tell Dipper that. Fast."
She drags me up the stairs, and suddenly I have the feeling I'm in huge danger.

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