Chapter Eight: Pacifica's P.O.V. Explaining

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  The next night, I'm back at the Mystery Shack.
  "Here, let's go in my room," Mabel says.
  We walk up creaky stairs into the attic, which is currently Mabel and her brother Dipper's room for the summer.
  "So what's up?" Mabel asks kindly.
  "My parents... I wanted to explain to you that my parents are very strict and really mean to me. They won't let me go out on my own because they don't want me telling other people that our family - known to be the quote-on-quote best family in Gravity Falls - isn't really as perfect as we seem. That's why people were staring. And the other reason is that I'm not known to be very nice to people. My parents have taught me wrong, and they told me to be mean to anyone below us, which meant everyone, and... I'm really trying to be good, I am..." I burst into tears.
  I expect Mabel to kick me out or something, but instead, she pats my back."Oh, I'm so sorry... that's truly awful."
  "I wish I could just escape..."
  Then she does something I never expected: she hugged me. No one has ever hugged me before.
  I catch my breath as she wraps her arms around me. So this is how it feels to be hugged: warm, inviting...
  It's wonderful.

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