Chapter 8: Grief

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"It is like relief here." John said, awfully.

"Why is that?" Zack asked.

"Never mind, it was Georgina who kept shouting all night and day and then went on like this, 'why did you speak' as if she has the only tongue and we.." John cried.

"You just shutup! She is my sister!" Zack yelled.

"Eh. You are fed up of her, but still take her side. Stupid brother." John laughed.

"Not your business." Zack grinned fakely.

"Right, not my business. Okay, i'm hungry Daisy. Please arrange food for me." John pointed to his belly.

"I have Tortila chips. You want some?" Daisy said, eating a chip.

"I don't like it." Soon John felt something behind him. He decided to look back, but his hunger let him think it was Zack. He ignored.

"Leave Zack." John laughed.

He glanced back. It was Zack.

"What are you holding?" Asked Daisy.

He let his both hands come after them, and he let Daisy and John know what was in his hands.

He smiled and said, "This is a knife."

Daffodil was shivering. She was stinking but it seemed as if Sam Cruise had a smell of blood. Her eyes were wriggling. She wanted to breathe. But she had pain in her leg.

She watched at her leg. 'You broken baby. I broken.' She said to herself.

Sam Cruise came in the room laughing. He fell down to the land, and threw his hand to his head.

"What you want now? Get me a treatment, i've pain in my leg." Daffodil looked right.

"Soon baby, soon. Do pray that Hadwin dies, i'll give you whatever you want."

"Don't call me baby. You stink, you know?" Daffodil told him.

"Correction. You stink, you know? I have bathed a second ago." He explained it.

"As if I care." Daffodil said, closing her eyes.

Sam Cruise stood up, brought some fruit and gave them to Daffodil but she refused to eat.

"The snack for two days." Sam laughed like a wicked.

"They may contain poison. I won't eat this." Answered Daffodil, who was unaware about anything happening around here.

"Sure." Sam said, and took the whole dish back to kitchen and came back.

"Listen, i don't want to hurt you at all. I just want Hadwin, and that's all so i don't get what I want by killing you." Sam added.

"How can i believe you at all?" Daffodil said.

"I never said you to believe me. I just want you to know that what i want to do." Sam replied.

"But I never want to listen. I just have a question." Daffodil said.

"You may ask."

"Did you tell Georgina's parents about the fake news of her death?"


"What was their reaction?" Daffodil became serious.

"Listen quietly then," And then he started to remember. "I told them that. He came to know, how I knew. But I was so clever that i never replied. He became confused and now he cries all day and night."

"This is so..."

"Bad, right?" Sam laughed.

"I'm serious. This is not good. What you have done and all. If you need revenge from Hadwin, why you hurt other parent's children?"

"Some things are meant to be kept as a secret, my dear."

"This states that how bad, dirty and disgusting you are." Daffodil gasped.

"Undoubtedly, i am." Sam laughed again, like a wicked. His yellow teeth seemed as if he never brushed the whole life but his gried took him like this.

"Why are you so bad?" Daffodil asked.

He gave a closer look and smiled saying, "Sometimes you have to be bad to become good."

At the Pole

"Things were too different when everyone was here. It was my mistake." Georgina cried and realized that she shouldn't have done it.

She stood up, breathed. Putting the laundry clothes if her and Daisy's in the water bucket, she looked up closing her one eye to avoid heat radiations.

After 15 minutes she let the clothes rub, and put the little shampoo she was left with. She made lather in the bucket, and let the clothes be clean.

She missed Hadwin, Daffodil and everyone who was there. Like those kids. She took some grass, which was the last one and started to eat it. She took a whole mug of water and gave showered the water to the plants.

When everything was done, she again took a breathe. She sat down. Night came and she was sitting like that.

"Miss you everyone." Her tears fell to the ground, but the hot ground absorbed all kind of tears and water. She let her eye balls look around that horrific place and then shivering she remembered her parents and childhood.

She cleaned the tears in her eyes. And breathing like 'Ah' she slept down, curving her neck like a jerk. Her legs scattered and hands stopped working and it seemed all like as if Georgina hadn't slept from three days.


I hope you liked this chapter. I'm trying to make it more intense lol:p!

Kik: reyan.shaikh123

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