Chapter 3: Beyond Secrets- Daffodil's story

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A week went on. There were no marks of Hadwin and Daffodil. As if this haunted place was becoming more haunted. More terrific and more darker. The dense trees were starting to become more dense. The barren land was no longer able to sustain life. Every time a ominous look had owned Georgina. All the food was eaten. The well was now empty. There were no marks of food and water now. The place was a holy desert. No matter how hard you try, once the things are gonna get serious. And that's the matter of fact, and we announce it sadly. Though, sometimes people just waste water despite of saving it and that hurts other people. People like Hadwin.

Hadwin's life had became tragedic. Since that day, everything was like a mystery. He was finding her from six days, but she wasn't anywhere. Anywhere, out there. Life was hard. Tough.

Later that day Georgina and Zack were cleaning when this happened.

"What is that Zack?" Georgina saw Zack playing with water and sand.

"What?" Zack replied as if he wasn't afraid of the evil girl.

"You are playing with the water! The water of the bucket! That's the only water we are left with! And you have used it all? Oh my god, Zack! Go die, let you and me die!" Georgina screamed.

"Georgina, this is not that water. It was the water we saved to play. Remember?" Zack added politely.

"Oh then! We should drink it rather than using it for other things. Stupid." She answered.

"And then, where is Hadwy?"

"Is he your dad that you always keep asking on me about him?"

"That seems like a jerk."

"You want to say that I am a..."

"Did I ever said that? Negative mind."

"You are talking to your elder sister!"

"Who does not care about his brother."

"You must be telling me a joke. Hadwy, Hadwy and Hadwy. He is our cousin."

"And Daffodil?"

"She is our enemy. She doesn't want us to live in a happy life. She is taking a revenge. I can't think of something else. Besides, she has secrets." Georgina said.


"Yeah, secrets. You see her behaviour with us? Rude. She just left us, running into another world! She has secrets. And we have to go.."

"I didn't understood what you meant."

"That's clear, brother. We are his friends, and she is our friend too. But there's something that's leting us go away from her."

"So? What can we even do for that?"

"We can do for that."

"What can we?"

"Go beyond secrets. Go beyond secrets."

"Beyond secrets?"

"I think, she is captured."

That night

Hadwin moved up. His eyes glared at a small cottage. He was tired. Tired from his life. Tired from his body. Tired from his friends. Tired from finding someone.

"Ah, that was a boring day. I think i should get a rest at this cottage." Hadwin said as he stepped into the mud. He knocked the door and slightly opened the door. He saw an old man eating apples, and on side the old man had left porridge to calm down. He knocked again, and old man looked back.

"Who are you?" He asked.

" Hadwin. Hadwin Lock." Hadwin answered.

"What are you doing in an unpopulated area?" The old man added.

"Here. We friends were playing then we were lost here. I thought, here no human lives. But.."

"There are many people in this area."

"Oh really. What's your name?"

"My name? Sam Cruise."

"So sam, i know we are completely strangers. Can you do me a favour?"

"Yeah Hadwy. Speak?"

"I want to spend my night here. There's no other place to sleep."

"Where are your friends?"

"They are in the pole."

"Oh pole. Then what about you?"

"Our friend, Daffodil was lost. We have kids with us. So my one big friend took care of them at Pole. I just came to find her."

"You must be kidding man. Daffodil? My daughter?" Sam shut off.

"WHAT THE HECK! NO, SHE WON'T BE THAT!" Hadwy freaked out.

"I'll show you a picture." He said. He took his mobile phone, and opened gallery. He opened a picture. And turning it, he showed it to Hadwin.


"Well Hadwin, she is my daughter but now she has left me. Is this your hubby friend?"

"She is my friend! She can't be your daughter. How can this ever happen?" Hadwin shivered.

"I'm sorry for that. You can have a sleep at my house. I'll take to your room." With that, Hadwin took a rest for some while. Everytime, he thought of sam cruise and Daffodil. How can he even believe a stranger? But how can a stranger say a stranger that a stranger is her daughter?

He pressed himself on the couch and closed his eyes. He thought again and again of Sam Cruise. "SAM CRUISE." He again thought.

"I never knew this was Daffodil's story. I'll talk to Sam Cruise. Tomorrow." He said, before sleeping.


"hahahahhahahahah," Sam cruise laughed like a wicked standing on the door when he listened Hadwin say, "I'll talk to Sam Cruise tomorrow." He looked back. Daffodil. Daffodil.

He moved up the stairs, when he said, "Hadwy doesn't knows that you are in my room, kidnapped and blindfolded. Don't worry, i'll manage. But see, you are dying and he is having a sleep. HAHA." He laughed like a witch and looked back before stepping one other step.


Ok, it's getting horrific. I know lol. But i have to cheer you up, and i have all the rights :p. I think 950 words are enough no? But it's a promise next chapter is gonna be super long. Thankyou. :)

I would like to repeat some of the questions i asked before.
1) what do you think is Daffodil dead?
2) Did she do a suicide?
3)Why did she do that?
4) Why was she blaming on Hadwin?

1st question : so the first question erases because she is still alive kidnapped in Sam Cruise's home.

2nd question: no she haven't done suicide as yet.

3rd question: she didn't do anything

4th question: this remains a question. Now i want your answers in the comments. :)

The additional questions i add:

5) why would've sam cruise kidnapped daffodil?
6) why did sam cruise say daffodil her daughter
7) what did sam cruise wanted from hadwin and daffodil.

Next update : Monday

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