Chapter 4: The bitter juice

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"Georgina!" Zack screamed. John and Zack were running like a lightning.

"What?!" Georgina yelled.

"Nothing. We were just catching your attention towards us." John laughed.

"Are you done? Thanks." She left the point and moved forward. She put her hand on her hair and walked towards the dirty clothes.

At the moment, Daisy came and asked for some help but as usual, Georgina shouted, "Your sister was enough for me! Now go get a life!"

"Okay." Daisy cried and locked herself into the dark cottage where they lived.

At Sam Cruise's home

Hadwin woke up watching the fan moving. He stood up in the killer's bed, and washed his face. He took the towel, and dried up his hands.

Fifteen minutes later, he moved up the stairs to search for Sam. At a point, he heard something very loud. As loud as scream. It was a scream. Someone was screaming. Hadwin looked upon the seven doors present in the cottage. He went in one, where everything was empty.

He stepped in the second, which was Sam's room. The four others were, too, empty. When Hadwin decided to step on last, Sam came out of the room.

"Why..why..why..why are" Sam trembled.

"Um, i'm sorry. I was just about to go out so i decided to tell you. But is anything wrong?" Hadwin muttered.

"Nothing is. Why?" Sam hesitated.

"Well, why is there so much sweat on your face even though its too much cold outside?"

"What do you mean? Have a doubt?"

"Is someone in the room?" Hadwin asked.

"No one. I.."

"Okay leave. I need to ask you something that how could you even say that Daffodil is your daughter?" Hadwin asked.

"Well, i think we should have a coffee in the lounge and i'll explain meanwhile?" Sam grinned.

"Better." Hadwin said, and with that they both marched downstairs.

After taking the coffee, Sam cruise started to speak, "Long ago. I had a family. I had one son and one daughter and a pretty wife. Then in an accident in Flordia, my wife died and my son died too. Our house was named by my wife. My son snd wife earned some money, and they both died so we had to sell our house."

"So didn't you had another family so you could stay there?"

"No. There was no one in our family. In the side, I and my daughter were left. We were bored from the life, so Daffodil ran to caring center. Now I am alone, poor and needy." Sam cruise gave a fake smile.

"So who is daisy then?"

"I don't know. Maybe she is not a biological sister of Daffodil."

"Okay maybe. She is in the forest now."

"I'll bring you some water. I'm thirsty too." Sam said and Hadwy agreed.

When Sam looked back and headed towards the kitchen, all his mind said was, "Your father killed my son, Hadwin. Soon, your father will realise the pain."

Soon Hadwin left the cottage, thanking Sam.

Meanwhile in Texas

"Don't worry Sally. I hope Georgina would be okay." Georgina's father cried.

"Someone just tell her that i miss her alot. Someone please tell her that!" Sally, Georgina's mother yelled.

"I'll bring you some water. Relax Sally." Mr. Tom said.

"I can't relax! Why don't you understand?" Sally yelled. Suddenly, the door bell rung.

"I'll see." Tom said and opened the main door. He saw a salesman with a letter in his hand.

"Yes?" Mr. Tom muttered.

"Are you Tom?" The salesman said.

"Yeah. Who's that letter for?"

"It's for you," The salesman answered. "Can you fulfil my request?"
Mr. Tom opened the letter and started to read it.

Mr. Tom,
Texas state,
Link 4, house 5.

Dear sir,
I'm writing this letter to you in order to tell you that i'm so poor. My life just have been a nightmare. Wherever i see people, tears pour out of my eyes. I couldn't help myself. I'm so much needy, and want you to help me. Can you appoint me to be a guard of this house?
I promise i'll complete every task a guard does, and kill every man who tries to look at this house. I have a gun. Please appoint me for this job and pay me a good salary.

Your sincerely,
homeless man.

"Well, this so good and although you have promised me so.."


"I appoint you at the job. You can stay at the quarter in the garden. I'll tell you tomorrow your duties. I think it's too late." Mr. Tom smiled.

"That's so good of you." He said and turned around to unpack his bag in the small quarter. The man had a thought and laughed inwardly, "I'm so poor, how could i have a gun? Oh? Didn't asked Tom?"

"Oh sorry. I forgot to ask you, your name. What's your name?" Mr. Tom asked excitedly.

And before stepping the man said, "Yeah. Sam. Sam Cruise is my name."



So you can see the name of the chapter 4. I named it "The bitter juice" because i took Sam cruise as a bitter juice who lied everytime. His fake letter to Mr. Tom explains why is he a very bitter juice. Also, you could see in the previous chapter that I mentioned next chapter is gonna be super long but I'm sorry, this is all I had to write. So that's all. And yes, do give your feedback by voting and commenting! That means a lot to me! :)

Finally, there is another book in my profile that's named, "Arther Poirot." Keep that in your library and do read its a very good one :)

Kik: Reyan.shaikh123

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