A better life

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We lived in that house for 10 years. It was magical. We were in love. He purposed to me. But we decided to get married in a few years when im forgotten in the building. Or i grow out of how i used to look.

We loved the life of movie stars. Mark had a friend who would come and cook for us. We were secluded and out of the drama that came from the building.

On the tenth year we lived there, i gave birth to a beautiful young baby. Her name was Miry. Short for Miracle.

One night Mark and i were sitting on the patio with Miry in my lap. I looked at her. "Were are my parents?" I asked him. "I dont know, somewhere in the building." His voice trailed off. I decided not to go deeper into the subject. I cradled Miry in my lap. I loved my life.

The next day Mark went to the store with Miry. I was home alone. I decided to clean up the house. I looked in the mirror and fixed my hair. Then i looked to my right. There was a person there. I jumped back. There was another person behind me. They grabbed my arms and put me in cuffs, saying they were the police. They told me they had already notified Mark.

They said they were the "Building" police arresting me on behave of escaping. I nodded because i couldn't do anything about it. Hopefully Mark will work everything out. They put me in the back seat of the car and headed to the biggest mansion i had ever seen. It did look like a prison, but then again, i have never seen a prison.

They brought me inside, and down to the basement. They threw me in a cellar and i waited there.

After an hour they came back down and grabbed me. They brought me to a room with giant doors. I heard banging in there. I didnt know what to expect. But what i was thinking, was not nearly as bad as it really was.

In part 13, Hoer House, Mia is found face to face with an old "friend" . What she had in store for her is unbelievable.

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