Hello Again.

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"My name is-" I froze realizing how nice his name sounds, and how mine sounds like gooey brown crap you would find on the side of the road. His name was Mark.
Thats such a handsome name! It sound like, a celebrity name! Oh god now the only name I can think about is Mark! "Mia. Ya Mai!" Where did that come from?! Mia?! COME ON MASHA!!

"Thats a beautiful name Mia" Mark said in such a charming way. " Wow, really, you think so?" Why did i just say that! Im so stupid.

We talked just about our selfs for another two hours, than i looked at the clock and it was six. I groaned "I have to go" I said frowning. "Oh, okay. Will i see you again?" He said smiling with a cute dimple in his left cheek. "Sure." I said.

I smiled and started running up the stairs again. All i could think about was the great conversation i had just had with such an amazing boy. I was star struck and couldn't stop smiling. I decided to walk the rest of the way so i would have more time to think about him.

It was 6:45 when i got in my room. They came in shortly. I ignored them, all i did was think about Mark. God, i guess i was in a trance because i could sorta feel them, but not like a regular day. All i thought about was Mark.

An hour went by, and i still thought of him. Why was i feeling this way?  Why was i so obsessed with him.  Its not like he would ever like me. Than it hit me. He would never like me! Im a girl, who lives in a tub and has never even seen her reflection before?! A tall, brown haired, blue eyed, gorgeous boy would never like me.

Than reality hit. I came out of the trance. I was being bobbled up in down by girls, and smothered by a menace. I looked up at Al. She had he eyes closed and her mouth opening, exposing her gridded teeth. I just decided to lay there limp, like a dead body. Or a toy, because thats what i am to them.

The girls threw me over there shoulders and pushed me up against a wall. I just stay led limp. Al humped me for an hour longer than left. The girls untied me, and i just laid there.

Then something popped into my head! He said "would he see me again"! That must mean he wants to right?!

In part 10, Here I am,  Masha, or Mia goes back down to see Mark. Will she be greeted like she expected? Or will she be disappointed again?

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