Again and Again

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*strong content*

After school that day the same thing happened. It went on and on. For the rest of the week. Every day at seven they would either have to drag me to my room, or i would just meet them there. I was just slowly excepting what my life was now.

Friday after school, i walked home and went on my phone waiting for them to get here. I have been the past few days, doing something fun before being tied up, but i just didnt feel like going out.
They stormed. "Hey slut" She said.

I had made a pack to myself to just stay quiet the whole time. It would cost me less trouble in the future, and less spanks.

I got up and they tied me up, but this time they were rougher. Its like Al had anger to take out on me. And i was right. (I found out later on)

They tied me up and literally, threw me into the tub. They went to there stations and did every station extra ruff. I looked up at Al's face while being smothered and i saw her face was red she was grinding on my face so hard. All the other girls this time were actually giving out little moans because they were so rough. I couldn't contain myself either, to many places of mine were being violated.

Al slid up and down my face, faster and faster. One time she didn't even tell me to, she just grabbed my tongue and stuck it out. I left it out because in the past days, when i didnt, she whipped me. She bobbled my face in her pussy till i couldn't breath. I knew something was up.

"Alright girls" she groaned. They got up and left, not even picking me up and throwing me over the tub. "Now i'm gonna shred you up on my own." She looked angry. Two hours went by and she was still grinding on my face. This is the longest, well "session" ever. She than got up and stuck plastic cocks in every single one of my holes. Even my mouth. I couldn't take it. I spit it out.

She looked at me, her face red. "Wow! Are you kidding?!" She screamed. "You are going to pay for that." She got up and called for her "friends". My heart sunk. Why did i do that?! Her friends came in and picked me up, they tapped me to the wall like they had to clean me. They took the cock out of my butt. "There, see you tomorrow!" She smirked.

I squirmed. "You cant leave me here!!" I bit my tongue. I had broken my vow. I never break vows. She got really close to my face. "I can, and i will. Oh, and dont worry, i'll have people coming in to clean you" She giggled and motioned for her girls to laugh with her. I rolled my eyes. She glared at me and they left.

What had i ever done to her? I wanted to tell the police about this so bad! But, i know if i did i would be killed. No questions asked. Everyone would of course be on the presidents "little angles" side. Thats how the world viewed her. As the little angle. I laid there. Thinking about how shes such a terrible human being. But, threw all of that, i didnt cry.

Hey! Hoped you liked that! I'm now going to start saying whats going yo happen in the next chapter!
In part 8, Run, Masha runs after a terrible morning, she runs down a flight of stairs leading her to something that would change her life.

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