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(original description of cameron has been altered, i edited the book for a different pairing and i am editing it back into lashton etc and i just left the character descriptions in there ~ just in case any comments dont make sense anymore)

Luke's POV

Waking up, I hoped the situation between Ashton and I would have returned to normal but my heart dropped when I turned around in bed to see he'd already left. I very clearly naively thought having sex last night would make him want to be with me but clearly not; I don't know why I had to be so stupid.

Sighing, I checked my phone to see if he'd messaged me about where he'd gone but there was nothing. Sighing further, I got up and made my way downstairs and noticed he'd left without so much as a note, I was ready to cry at that point. Why does he have to do this to me? He opens up when he's drunk and admits he does love me yet he goes right back to his distancing himself when he's sober. What does he expect me to do?

Deciding I should call him to find out where he went, I pulled out my phone and pressed Ashton's number, feeling nervous as I waited for him to pick up.

"Luke, what is it?" Ashton answered, more to my surprise than anything else.

"I was just wondering where you'd gone, not to sound clingy or anything, you just didn't leave me a note or anything and I didn't know if you were going to be back today." I said, trying to play it off as coolly as I could.

"I might be back later, I'm sorry for not telling you where I went, I just had a bit of an emergency with work. I'm sorry, I know it looks bad since we had sex last night but I do love you." Ashton explained and it'd be convincing if I couldn't hear a girl suddenly giggle in the background and ask who he was talking to.

"Oh, it's no one." Ashton said in response to her, his voice sounded distanced from the phone.

Hearing his response just made me hang up the phone without a second thought, he was with her and he just blatantly lied to me about where he was and he lied to her to. I bet she didn't even know about me, which in some way was worse because Ashton wasn't thinking of me at all when he was with her.

Maybe I should be more like her, and then maybe he wouldn't do this to me. Why did I have to fall for his drunk tricks and why did he even want to have sex with me anyway, even if he was drunk?

I was stupid for believing he'd change though; it was going to take a lot more than sex if I wanted to win him back around. However, I wasn't sure if it was worth it at this stage because he seemed to want to spend every waking minute with her. What I couldn't get my head around though was why couldn't he just break up with me? It'd hurt a whole lot less than giving me the hope I may be able to get him back and then it turns out that I don't.

Not really wanting to bother interacting with anyone who I may have been able to talk to, I walked into the living room and just sat and watched TV. It was a good was to distract me, even just for a little bit. I ended up watching whatever I could find for hours and I didn't care, Ashton didn't come home and I got the feeling he didn't intend to. Maybe it was time that I had some fun for myself.

Getting off the couch, I made my way into my bedroom to get dressed to go out; alcohol and socialising with strangers may actually be fun given how shit my life had been recently, whether Ashton knew about it or not I didn't care anymore.

It was about 9pm when I left my house and I was looking forward to just letting go tonight, whether I made friends or not I really didn't care; I just needed to get out of that house and I needed to completely take my mind off Ashton.

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