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Luke's POV

I hadn't initially realised what was going on, Ashton was just acting a bit distant with me and he'd disappear a lot and ignore my calls when I wanted to know where he'd gone at eleven at night. Originally, I just thought something just must have been upsetting him and he didn't want to tell me so I gave him space.

That only turned out to make it worse.

It wasn't until after a few months of him acting strangely that I started noticing what was really happening, that I stated noticing he was cheating on me.

The lying was the worst part, how he still told me he loved me and how he'd hold me at night, pretending everything was normal. I didn't know what to do about the whole thing because I didn't want to leave him, I love him and he was the only person I'd ever loved romantically. Losing him wasn't something I wanted to do so I was going to have to change.

Maybe I should be more like her?

Finding out he was cheating on me with a girl was hard, I'd noticed lipstick staining his chest and even the discolouration of his lips made it all obvious. The fact he was terrible at hiding it was hard and the fact he'd always told me he was gay made me question our relationship in general because why would he lie to me about that? Of course there was the possibility that he was currently figuring out that he wasn't gay and was in fact attracted to more than one gender but that's not much of an excuse to cheat. However, I felt like I at least deserved to try and win him back.

My desire to want him back may have appeared odd, especially if I knew what he was doing behind my back, but I just couldn't lose him or at least I didn't want to. We'd been together for three years and we'd moved in together, he even promised that we'd get married at some point and so I had no idea where we went wrong; where I went wrong.

Evidently it was something I'd done to make him cheat, maybe I just wasn't a good enough boyfriend to him and I made him find someone else to satisfy his needs. That's at least what it felt like, but why couldn't he just tell me? I didn't know, but I at least had to try and change for him.

Currently, I was sat on our shared bed watching some film on the TV whilst Ashton was sat next to me, texting someone else. I knew it was her, it was obvious from the smile plastered on his face, knowing didn't stop the pang of hurt that hit my chest though. Biting my lip, I decided that maybe instead of sitting in silence and allowing myself to get upset once again, I should just try and win back his attention.

"Hey, Ash?" I called, earning a glance over at me, "Could you maybe put your phone down? You're on it like all the time and it'd be nice to actually spend some time with you without it." I asked, instantly feeling bad when Ashton relied,

"I'm sorry I like to speak to people I don't see very often, my every waking moment is not to provide you with attention." He snapped and I felt tears prick my eyes which only caused me to feel even more stupid, why did I have to be so sensitive?

Looking down at my hands, I nodded, "I'm sorry, I was only asking." I mumbled.

Ashton let out a sigh, "Look, I'm gonna go to bed, I'm tired. Maybe you could just watch the film downstairs?" He then suggested, obviously just wanting me to leave him alone so he could talk to her.

Not being brave enough to stand up to him, I slowly got up from the bed and watched as Ashton curled up under the covers without so much as a 'goodnight' to me and I felt my heart ache.

After turning the TV off, I left the room and made my way downstairs to drop down onto the couch. Nothing was stopping the tears as they fell because I didn't have the energy to anymore, I'd been trying to get him to pay attention to me so he could at least try and remember that he did once like me but it wasn't working. It was only ended up with me crying myself to sleep on the couch because I was too pathetic to handle what he was doing.

Sighing, I flicked the TV on to continue watching the film I had started, hoping it'd take my mind of my crappy love life; even just for an hour.

Maybe I should be more like her? 


So, this is the prologue. I tried giving you a little background so that you know that Luke is aware of Ashton's cheating and this story is about him trying to change for Ashton, whether that works or not then you will just have to read this story to find out :)

Any who, thank you for the response on the description, it was way more than I thought I was going to get so thank you. Please could you let me know what you think of this, thank you xx

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