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Luke's POV

Ashton had gone out during the evening and it was now 1am, but he still wasn't back. Trying to improve on the boyfriend front, I decided to stay up and wait for him because maybe if he was drunk then I could look after him, it still felt like I was being pathetic though because I was so desperate for his attention.

I hated the crave for attention I had but I guess it happens when your boyfriend won't even look at you when he gets up in the morning. I bet he looks at her when he gets up after staying with her, and I'm assuming that was where he was now, as much as that hurt me, he didn't care if I stayed up for him or not because it was questionable whether he'd actually come home.

Flicking through the TV channels, I finally settled on one before snuggling down on the couch with a blanket wrapped around me. Comfort was what I was feeling now, which was something that I lacked from Ashton.

At some point during the hour, I fell asleep and I obviously hadn't realised until I heard fumbling with the door and then it being pushed open hard enough to hit the wall. Jumping slightly, I pulled the blanket around me tightly before getting up and checking out the source of the noise. Thankfully, it was just Ashton; a very drunk Ashton.

"Luke, baby." Ashton slurred as he approached me, my heart swelled at the word 'baby' but it dropped again when I remembered this was only going to be his drunk self talking.

"Ash, shut the door and I'll help you up to bed." I said and he did as I told before walking over to me and taking hold of my face.

Without much warning, he pressed his lips to mine and I smiled before noticing the odd taste to his lips. I can taste her lipstick.

Pushing him away, I moved towards the door to lock it before placing my hands around Ashton's waist so I could help him up the stairs, "Let's just get you to bed." I said and urged him forward but Ashton didn't want to just go to bed.

"Come on, baby, we haven't been intimate in ages, I miss you." He whined

"You're drunk." I argued

"Drunks talks are sober thoughts." Ashton replied before pressing his lips to mine once again and boy was I weak. I was so desperate for his affection and love that letting us have sex whilst he was drunk actually sounded like a good option to me, I mean he wouldn't have sex with me even if he's drunk if he didn't want me at all, right?

It just hurt that he doesn't know how to love me when he's sober.

Pushing Ashton away once again, I didn't speak to him as I practically dragged him upstairs and into our bedroom. I moved him towards the bed and I just wanted him to fall onto it and go to sleep as I closed the bedroom door, but that didn't seem to be his thought process as I felt his arms slip around my waist and his lips at my neck.

"Baby, please, I know you want me. I know you've been practically craving me and my attention." Ashton whispered and I allowed myself to relax into him.

Why did I have to be weak?

"Luke, baby please, I want to show you how sorry I am for being a dick and that I love you." Ashton said and I knew my resolve was weakening.

"Ashton, you're drunk, stop it." I protested as he continued to kiss my neck before turning me around in his arms, "Ash, stop it." I said, suddenly feeling really upset about the whole thing because he only wanted me when he was drunk.

"Luke, I want you."

And that was all it took for me to let Ashton do what he wanted, I just couldn't resist him because he knew I was desperate for him and I hated it. Having Ashton back was what I wanted but I didn't want him to take advantage of me just because he knew I was desperate for him and his love.

Letting him lead me over to the bed, he pushed me down before kissing me again and gripping my hair tightly. I moaned and felt embarrassed by it because he was drunk and I shouldn't be letting him have me this way, especially with how he'd been treating me. My mind was so messed up right now.

However, my thought processes of whether I should let Ashton do this was lost when he started unbuttoning my jeans and slipped his hand down.

Maybe if I please him then he'll come back to me or maybe I thought that just to make myself feel better. With Ashton, I had to question everything lately and I hated it, I couldn't even let myself enjoy what I'd been craving through fear of him turning right round again and going back to him ignoring me.

Hopefully, he wouldn't do that though and he'd be holding me when I got up in the morning.

Maybe I wasn't going to have to be more like her.


Got this story planned out, feeling quite happy about it as it won't be a short story, it's going to have around 20 chapters. I hope you guys would like to read it for that long.

Thank you again for the response of the previous 2 parts, I honestly didn't think anyone was gonna read this book and I thought most of you would find it boring but I'm really pleased to see so many of you are interested in this. It's quite exciting for me.

Any who, could you please let me know what you think of this chapter? Thank you xx

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