Chapter 19

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Tap, tap,tap...Tap,tap,tap...Tap,tap,tap.

The sound of my sneakers tapping on the floor is the only sound I've been hearing for the past two hours that I've been a prisoner here.

The silence is driving me crazy. I even went so far as to start talking to myself to fill in the emptiness of this room.

No way out... No way to escape.

"Don't panic Nora! Don't you dare panic!" I yell to myself, my voice echoing throughout the room.

I close my eyes, take a deep and try to reach out to the elements once again, using every bit of strength left in me.

But to no avail. My mind is completely blank and I feel like there's an empty part inside of me that that woman ripped from me.

"You're stronger than her, Nora. Think! Feel! You know you can break this spell!" I encourage myself before closing my eyes again and focusing on my powers, willing a spell to come to my mind.

"Ugh, for fucks sake!" I scream out, stomping my foot like a child.

"Watch your mouth young lady!" The voice of Kali startles me as she appears out of thin air.

"Who are you to tell me to watch my fucking mouth?" I snap at her. She raises her eyebrow in surprise before a creepy smile settles on her face.

"Well aren't you in such a cheery mood?" She says sarcastically.

"She's always this cranky," Aaron says, appearing behind me.

I give him a glare full of hate that makes him directly cast his eyes downward.

"So, have you had a chance to think about my offer?" Kali asks, leaning back on the table and regarding me expectantly.

"I already fucking told you. I will never take it!" I yell out,  throwing my hands up in exasperation. "Might as well kill me now," I add, looking her dead in the eyes.

"You are no use to me dead. But you are no use to me alive either if you're not on my side," she says, almost to herself.

"What do you think?" She asks, looking at Aaron who looks up, startled to have been spoken to.

"I...I don't know. We can't kill her..." He finally says after some hesitation.

"Why not?" Kali snaps, obviously surprised.

"Well...She is the only vampyre ever known to be able to control all five elements," he says, glancing at me worriedly.

I let out a scream as Aaron suddenly flies back into the wall, crumbling down after being slammed hard into it by an invisible force.

"And what am I, you idiot?" Kali suddenly screams, approaching Aaron who's laying helplessly on the floor.

"Was I not and Am still the most powerful Vampyre to ever exist?" She says, circling him like a predator. "How dare you offend your goddess?"

He lets out a scream of pain as I stare in horror.

This woman is fucking insane...

"Answer me," she whispers, kneeling down to face him. She suddenly grips him by the neck while he helplessly struggles against her unwavering grip.

"Stop it," I yell but my voice is barely audible.

"Who do you think is the most powerful Vampyre now?" She yells, continuing to suffocate  him.

"NO! Stop it" I scream this time but she doesn't give me a second glance.

Aaron's face is blue now and I feel like I can hear his heartbeats slowing down.

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