Chapter 1

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What was that annoying sound!? I ask myself, frowning.

I couldn't recognize it...I didn't recognize anything at first . 

Pain was the only thing I could feel as I tried to distinguish the words being uttered around me. I try  to push my eyes open but nothing happens. I couldn't feel my body and I didn't even have time to panic before my mind shut down on me and I drifted away in to a disturbing sleep.

I wake up with a painful headache as my eyes flutter open slowly only to close quickly again, momentarily blinded by the light seeping through the window. I look around slowly, taking in my surroundings and trying to figure out where I was.

A hospital room. It was easy to tell because of the bare white walls and the white bed sheets. It was a small room with a single bed and a small table with a wooden chair next to a window with the view of a parking lot and draped with dark plain curtains. 

I try to remember how I ended up here but every time I search my mind, all I ended up with was a blank page, nothing... Nothing but a killer headache. I was starting to freak out, completely at loss of who I am and what I'm doing here. 

It was frustrating. 

I slowly detach all the stupid wires connected to me, groaning in pain.

Just as I was getting out of the bed, deciding that I would not accomplish anything sitting around waiting to remember something, the door swings open and a lady in her mid thirties, wearing a white nurse's uniform enters holding a tray filled with food. 

Nothing fancy ; a cup of water, a bowl of rice and an apple. As soon as she sees me  up and awake, she stops, puts the tray on the table and studs out of the room. I run and catch up with her just in time before she closes the  door. 'Please wait, I don't understand anything and I can't remember anything. Tell me what is going on!' I plead. My voice sounded hoarse, like I haven't spoken in years.

The woman stares at me with wide eyes and says:," A doctor will be with you shortly." She starts to close the door again but  I hold it firmly open with my foot. 

"You can't possibly leave me here like this. I'll go mad if I stay in this room any longer so Let.Me.Out." I heard my voice getting louder with every word and realized it was true. I could not handle being here any longer, but the lady just walks away from my pleads.

After a few calming breaths, I open the door and poke my head out. I saw a white hallway filled with people in white uniforms going about their business. I go back in the room, unsure about what to do but with one thought in my mind: I have to get out of here. I'm not sure where this thought came from but I know it's what I have to do. 

Timidly, I walk out of my room noting that I was barefoot and had nothing on but the hospital gown. I didn't really know which way to go so I just walk down the hallway towards the elevator, relieved that no one was paying me any attention.

Just before I get  into the elevator, I notice  a door that says: Staff only, and wondered if they would have any clothes in there. Making sure no one was looking, I slip into the room and reach my hand across the wall to search for the light switch. 

Once I could finally see, I look around for anything I can wear and find a white shirt, white pants and a pair of nurse shoes.

"What is it with all the white here?" I mutter to myself.

I quickly slip on the clothes and get out of the room. While I'm stepping into the elevator, I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. My hazel eyes had flecks of green in them which I don't remember having and my thick brown hair was tied in a ponytail that reached the back of my neck. 

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