Chapter 5

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I could not believe my eyes. How had I done that? It seemed impossible, yet here it was, the small crack, a proof of my abilities. It seemed as if my body was moving on its own, like I was trained my whole life to throw that tiny star.

I take slow deep breaths to calm my racing heart. I turn to look at Aaron who is apparently very amused by this.

I glare at him and his smile turns to a confused frown.

I turn my back and start walking away, to the end of the room, trying to find a moving wall like the one we'd come through. Much as I had expected, there wasn't one. I turn around to face Aaron.

"I want to get out of here", I say firmly, crossing my arms over my chest ."Now", I add.

Aaron nods and then, faces the wall closest to him, murmuring the same words he murmured before we got here, yet I couldn't quite grasp them again.

Suddenly, the wall he was facing starts moving, again, catching me by surprise as it twirls into itself. This time, Aaron grabs my hand and leads me through the wall. Again, I feel like the air was knocked out of me. I didn't fall when I came out on the other end, Aaron was there, still holding my hand tightly.

My heart was still racing when we get back to the apartment. As soon as we come in, I shake off his hand and sit on the floor, cross-legged, with my face in my hands, shaking as I try to control the tears that were threatening to come out. I feel hands on my shoulder pulling me up. I resist but Aaron was too strong and he pulls me up by my shoulders.

I keep my gaze at the floor, trying to blink away the tears, not wanting Aaron to see me like this, but he takes my chin in his hand and lifts my eyes to his. His steady gaze pierces through me, it was like those blue eyes could see right into my soul.

Then I hear it. It was a small noise, barely perceptible, but I heard it. The sound of a gun, my body immediately stiffens and I move behind Aaron almost instinctively. Aaron obviously hadn't heard it because he looks at me with raised eyebrows. I motion for him to be quiet.

His eyes scan the room while I hold my breath, trying to listen, hoping I was wrong. But I knew I wasn't, ears don't play tricks on you, eyes do.

Aaron stiffens too, it seems he heard something as well. He starts to back up against the wall, both of us holding our breaths. Aaron starts heading for the closet and I follow him, not wanting to be anywhere alone, even if he was only a few feet away, he slowly pushes open the sliding mirror doors, trying not to make a sound.

He sits on his knees, and slowly, pulls back the gray carpet lying on the floor of the closet to reveal a metal handle sticking out from the floor. He quickly pulls it up to reveal a small, hole underneath. Inside, there was a silver bag, the one business men usually hold. He efficiently opens it and in there, there was two black revolvers.

He takes one then hands the other to me, I reluctantly grasp it , still getting used to the idea that I will be seeing guns daily in my new life. Suddenly, we start hearing slow footsteps. I back up behind Aaron who ushers me towards the windows.

I stand there, grasping my gun with both hands, not sure if I was capable of using it on someone. My heart was beating so fast, my chest hurt.

The wooden door of the room suddenly bursts open and a man in a suit comes barging in with a gun in his hand. He kicked the door so hard, the wood splintered.

I inhale sharply as the man raises his gun and points it at Aaron, but Aaron's too quick and he quickly jumps out of the way. He rolls on the ground and stands up in front of me, holding his gun out.

He fires three quick shots that hit the man right in his chest. The man falls to the floor but instead of just laying still, I watch,immobilized, in horror as he withers on the floor until finally, he melts into a puddle of black dew.

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