Chapter 18

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I meet her killer stare with my own, taking slow steps towards her.

I feel the pain rushing through me with each second that passes and I know I can no longer keep this up.

Her dark and powerful eyes weaken me and even my determination and anger isn't enough this time to keep me from looking away and collapsing to the ground.

"That's what I thought," she mutters. "Come on Ryu, it seems that Nora needs some time to think my offer over. Aaron, watch her," she barks in an authoritative tone before disappearing into thin air with her loyal puppy by her side.

I don't know how long I lay on the ground. 5 minutes, 10, an hour maybe but I get up eventually, annoyed by my legs falling asleep.

Aaron is still at the table, his gaze focusing everywhere but at me.

"Why?"I croak out, glancing at him.

"Why what?" He stupidly asks, unable to meet my eyes.

"Don't you dare act stupid with me," I yell, throwing my hands up.

"I think her plan is good," he replies, shrugging before turning his attention to the papers in front of him.

I feel the anger pulsing through me at his indifference and in a second, the papers on the table burst up in flames, startling him.

"Jesus Nora, what the fuck is your problem?" He screams out, standing up.

I smirk, happy to finally get a rise out of him.

"My problem? You think I'm the one with problems?" I laugh out at the absurdity of his words.

"You walk up to me one day, pretending to be a knight in shining armor, taking advantage of my obliviousness and my innocence. You seduce me, knowing fully well it'll make me open up to you. You 'help me' through the attacks that my father sent me,knowing well that he was never going to hurt me, only to gain my trust...A trust that you completely betray in the fucking end and yet you ask what's my problem?" I scream out.

I have somehow ended up right in front of him, my chest heaving up and down from the anger.

"I've never noticed how cute you are when you're mad."

Of all the god damn things he could have said, that's all he could come up with?

"You ignorant asshole!" I snap, pushing him back with all my force.

"You better calm down," he warns, his tone turning deadly.

"Is that a threat? Because you know your power is not match to mine". I smirk when he nods his head.

"You're right, it isn't...But this is," he replies before suddenly pulling out a single black rose from thin air.

"A rose?" I ask suspiciously. "A rose won't help you charm your way into my heart."

"Wild and whirling spirits are in my thoughts

And demons haunt my mind,

This person is the object of my distemper.

That I may find relief and release

May this black rose be infused with magic"

His words take me by surprise as  a shock runs through my body.

"What did you do to me?" I ask, looking up at him in confusion. The rose has disappeared from his hand and a smirk has settled on his face.

"A binding spell...It will render your power over the elements useless for the time being," he explains but I'm barely listening as I try to gather my thoughts to form a spell against him.

"This world is the place of many a birth,give me the power of Mother Earth," I mutter, closing my eyes and waiting for the familiar sensation that never does come.

When I open my eyes, Aaron is watching me with amusement.

"Now that that's settled, I suggest you sit down and ponder over the offer the Goddess has so graciously offered you." And with that, he disappears, leaving me to pool in my misery.

So sorry this chapter was short but the story is almost at it's end !!
Tell me what you think the ending will be like!

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