Chapter 7

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We keep walking and walking, until I feel something strange. Like a small flutter in my stomach, it was a weird feeling that didn't last long, a mere second but it was there.

I stop abruptly, causing Kaira to bump into me from behind.

"Do you feel that?" I ask, as the feeling flutters through me again.

"Feel what?" She asks, giving me a confused look.

I glance at her, then glance back ahead as I notice a  small light ahead. I walk slowly towards it, feeling my stomach clench.

My eyes come to rest at a door that was glowing a weird golden light.

Num. 134, it read, and somehow I knew this was what we were looking for.

Kaira walks up beside me, a hint of a smile on her face.

"Well done rookie", she congratulates me,  giving me an appraising smile.

I smile back, feeling excited. I mean you got to admit, not many people had the chance to experience these stuff, I think to myself.

My hand reaches for the door knob, holding my breath as I twist it.

The door swings open, revealing a gold mist on the other side. It looked amazing.

I glance at Kaira. "After you",  I simply say as she steps through the door, swallowed by the golden mist. I follow suit, holding my breath while a striking gold color fills my view and in the blink of an eye, I find myself in a vast room.

I blink once, twice, clearing my vision as I focus on the room. Kaira was standing beside me, staring at a vast white room with a huge round wood table in the middle, which took most of the space in the room. Around the table, there were 8 chairs aligned in a semi-circle.

I gape at the faces staring back at me.

8 people sat in the dark wooden chairs around the table. All looking very elegant and different. But it was the man in the middle that caught my attention.

I knew him. from my dreams! I was sure it was him because of the deep bottomless black eyes that stared back at me from across the room. I shiver, it was as if he could see through me like I was nothing more than a mere ghost. He scared the shit out of me.

I look around at the other people present. They were all so different, different colors, different races and very different appearances but they somehow all held themselves in a very graceful manner that radiated power and intelligence.

"Welcome, we have been waiting for you Nora",  the man with the black eyes , who must be the leader, says offering me a slight smile.

I look sideways at Kaira who is standing there very calmly not disturbed at all by the energy flying around the room.

"Who are you?" I manage to somehow find my voice again, which comes out very small, I doubt they even heard it.

"We're the Council", a woman seated directly beside the man says kindly.

She was Japanese, wearing a pink and black kimono with black sticks holding up her very shiny, very black hair which was a striking color compared to her very pale skin.

"Council?" I frown at the group of strange people in front of me, waiting to hear the explanation I'm looking for.

"I take it she does not remember a thing?" A man on the very end of the row says matter-of-factly, glancing around the table then back at me.

He had shoulder-length blonde hair, and was all muscles. He had on a gold shirt that outlined his biceps and gold shorts that rested just above his knees and he wore gladiator sandals.

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