The Second Generation

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“Mummy, wake up! Daddy’s making breakfast and I think something’s going to go boom!” A tiny blonde haired girl screeched, standing by the side of the bed that Alya was currently sleeping in. As soon as she heard that her husband was cooking, she sat up quickly.

“Okay, let’s go stop daddy from burning the house down.” She said, getting out of the bed and picking up her daughter.

“I hear you’re trying to burn the house down, Georgie.” She smiled, walking in to the kitchen where George was attempting to cook something. She also noticed that Fred was helping.

“Casey, you didn’t tell me Uncle Fred was helping! Now we’re doomed!” She said to the little girl who just giggled.

“Morning, Aly. We were trying to make you and Angelina breakfast.” Fred explained, looking over at the woman. George had also stopped his attempt and walked over.

“Morning, love.” He said, kissing his wife and taking the child from her arms.

“Daddy, don’t ‘splode the house!” The little girl cried. Alya just smiled.

“Fred, I’ll take it from here, go wake up Angelina.” She walked over to where Fred was, noticing how relieved he seemed.


“Oliver, go get your sister.” Alya sighed, watching the boy run up the stairs.

“Mummy, why do we have to bring him?” The blonde girl asked, looking up at Alya. She wasn’t fond of James because of the pranks he pulled on her.

“Because Uncle Fred asked us to, sweetie. Can you go get dad?” She asked, looking down at her daughter right before George walked in.

“They almost ready?” He asked after kissing his wife.

“Oliver went to go get Roxy. Then we’re off.” She replied with a sigh. “Are you taking them to your shop to see it?”


“Mr. Weasley, please don’t trick my daughter into wanting some ridiculous thing.” Alya said sternly as Fred just smirked. “I’m serious, it’s bad enough you give stuff to James to prank Casey, I don’t need her seeking revenge.”

“Yes ma’am!” Fred said, saluting the woman whose hair was currently a fiery red. She just sighed.

“I’ll get supplies for Oliver and Roxy. You and Angelina seem busy these days.”

“Thanks, Aly! We owe you.” Fred called as she walked away. The woman just shook her head.


“Have a good year, sweetie!” Alya said, kneeling down and kissing the little girl on her forehead. “If you need anything just send us an owl.”

George knelt down next, saying his goodbye to the blonde child. The couple stood up as Casey ran off to join Oliver and Roxy getting on the train.

“Please tell me you or Fred didn’t give Oliver anything from your shop.” Alya said, looking at her husband. George just smirked and reached for the woman’s hand, holding it gently.

“Alya?” Draco Malfoy walked up to where Alya was standing, looking almost afraid.

“Hullo, Draco. Surprising to see you here.” The woman responded after a moment, looking at the man she had forgotten was her brother until this moment. She noticed the dark haired woman following him.

“Married the Weasley, I see. Always knew you would. Mother and father denied for years that you would.”

“That’s nice. I’m sure they’ve been denying I’m at all related since I left as well.” She spoke coldly to the man, causing George to move closer to his wife to try and calm her down some.

“Father still hates to talk about you having anything to do with blood traitors. Mother thought he would have changed after Voldemort’s defeat. Never did though.” He responded simply, a surprising lack of hatred in his voice.

“Mother and I have… accepted the new reality though.” He added, his eyes glancing towards where George was standing. “Muggle-borns are just as good as some purebloods.”

“Nice change of heart, Draco. I’m sure your child will be raised better than we were.”

“I’m making sure of that.”

“You better hope he doesn’t cause trouble for any of the Weasley or Potter children, Draco.” George said after a moment before he and Alya turned and walked away to speak with Fred and Ron.


“Lovely family reunion.” Alya mumbled, slumping onto the sofa as soon as she and George got home. She had been so certain that none of the Malfoys would talk to her. They hadn’t bothered since she left home, years ago. George grinned, sitting next to her and putting his arm around her as she leaned her head against his shoulder.

“At least we know that mini Malfoy won’t be causing trouble. Casey could probably take him if he did.”

Alya just smiled, closing her eyes. “Bollocks, I hope Narcissa doesn’t think me speaking with Draco means I want them around again.”

“I’m sure Draco got the hint, love.” George replied, “You weren’t exactly kind to him.”

“I’m sure your mum would love to hear about that little visit.” She giggled at the thought of telling Mrs. Weasley about seeing Draco. If the Weasleys didn’t like the Malfoys before, it didn’t show compared to the dislike they showed when Lucius kicked Alya out while she was still in school.

“We’ll stop by and visit mum and dad later. I’m sure they’d enjoy that.”


A/N: Well folks, that's it! The end of this tale. Hope you all enjoyed the adventures of Alya, George and Fred :) Advice is always welcome!

If enough people enjoy this, I might write another story of Casey's years at Hogwarts.

JUST A NOTE: The pygmy puff Fred and George got Alya a few chapters back, Isty, was named after a good friend of mine.

George and Alya's daughter, Casey, is named after another good friend of mine.

The image off to the side ---------> 

Is what I imagine Casey to look like. 

Alya Malfoy/Weasley, Oliver Weasley and Casey Weasley are my own characters, all other characters belong to J.K.Rowling :) 

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