Reality (The Battle of Hogwarts)

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Alya woke up shaking, and her cheeks were wet with tears. It wasn’t until George stirred in the bed that she realized she was in the twins’ room in the Burrow. She sat up and looked around the dark room when her eyes adjusted and saw Fred sleeping in the other bed. George sat up beside her, looking at her oddly.

“Alright, Alya?”

“I just had a terrible nightmare, Georgie…” She whispered, looking at the man with frightened eyes. “Freddie was… he died. Tonks and Remus too…”

“It was just a dream, love.” He said, stroking her hair gently. “It’s not real. Fred’s right there, Tonks and Remus are probably asleep. It’s okay, Alya.”

Alya leaned her head against George’s chest, closing her eyes. “We went to fight with Harry. It was at Hogwarts. What if it happens, Georgie?”

“We won’t let it, Alya. We’ll do anything we can to stop it.” George replied, his arm around her waist and pulling her closer.


“In my field of paper flowers

And candy clouds of lullaby

I lie inside myself for hours

And watch my purple sky fly over me”

Alya was sitting on her usual perch above the swamp, her feet swinging under the branch. She came here a lot lately, singing away her worries. For a week now, she’d been having terrible dreams of what would happen when they had to go fight with Harry.

“That’s an interesting song.” George called, looking up from where he was standing on the ground. He often came to keep her company, or to try and get her to talk about what was on her mind. “Mind if I come up?”

Alya shook her head as he started climbing. He was up within a few minutes. It was a moderately good day, the sun was out and it was somewhat warm. She noticed that George looked very serious.

“Harry’s at Hogwarts.” He said after sitting on the branch beside the currently red haired woman. She stared at him. “We’ve just got the message. Fred and I are going there now.”

“I’m coming.” She replied almost immediately.

“Alya…” George protested, looking at her seriously. “It’s too dangerous, Alya. We want you to stay here.”

“Rubbish! I told you about my dream, I’m not sending you two away when there’s a good chance I might never see you again!” She cried, tears filling her eyes.

“We don’t want you to be in danger, Alya.” He lowered his voice to little more than a whisper. “You aren’t the best fighter… and you’re known as a traitor among the Malfoy’s and death eaters. You’re a target.”

“I don’t care! Bloody hell, George, I’m coming and that’s that!”

George just grinned. “Alright then. Fred owes me a galleon.”

Alya stared at him, unsure how to feel.

“Let’s get married, Alya.”

“Pardon!?” She exclaimed, her eyes widening.

“If we survive this, let’s get married.” He explained simply, grinning at the blonde girl.

Alya smiled, “You’re mother isn’t going to like it.”

“Bollocks! She loves you, Alya. Besides, who cares what anyone else thinks!”

“I would love to marry you, Georgie.” She replied, leaning over and kissing the ginger. He slipped a small diamond ring on to her finger.

“Well, let’s get going! Fred and Ginny are waiting.”

“George, promise me you won’t leave Fred.” She said before she got in to the house. She had stopped and was looking at him sternly.

“I promise, Alya.”


“Fred, George, Alya!” Hermione called as her, Ron and Harry ran up to help. “Watch out! The wall!”

Alya felt her stomach clench, the only thing different than the dream was that George was here. Alya felt someone pulling her away just as the wall of the corridor exploded. There was seconds of silence before she finally felt George helping her to her feet.

“Alright, Alya?” He asked softly, helping to support her.

“I’m fine… Fred?” She asked quietly, almost afraid to hear the answer.

“Bloody hell!” She heard Fred yell from somewhere nearby. Looking around, she couldn’t see Ron, Harry and Hermione anywhere. Alya managed to stumble over to Fred and hugged him tightly.

“Thank God you’re alive.” She whispered.


The Weasleys were sitting at the end of a table, minus Ron.

“Georgie, when are we going to tell them?” Alya whispered, her head rested against his shoulder. Fred was chatting with Lee Jordan nearby and the rest of the family were talking with themselves and a few others.

“I don’t know if now is a good time.” He replied quietly, resting his own head on the top of hers. “But soon, definitely.”

“Oy, Georgie, what are you two whispering about?” Fred called from across the table, him and Lee looking over.

“Nothing, Freddie.” Alya replied sweetly, smiling at the red haired boy.

“I like the ring, Aly.” Lee commented, making Alya look down and realize the hand with the ring on it was perfectly, visible.

“I think now is a good time, George.” She laughed, looking over at Fred and Lee.

“Alya and I are getting married.” George announced to his brother and best friend, unaware that the rest of the family was also listening.

“Wonderful, dear!” Mrs. Weasley exclaimed, beaming at the couple.

“I like the idea of you being my sister-in-law over Phelgm.” Ginny grinned at the blonde woman.

"Wicked." Fred grinned from the other side of the table. 


A/N: I had to do this, I couldn't stand having Fred dead! To clerify, The Battle of Hogwarts that happened last chapter was Alya's dream. This is what actually happened. I hope it's not terribly confusing. 

Alya Malfoy is my own character, everyone else belongs to J.K. Rowling :) 

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