Year 5 (Prisoner of Azkaban)

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“What’s going on?” Alya asked softly as the train jolted to a stop, looking at Fred and George as well as Lee Jordan and Angelina Johnson. She hardly finished asking when the lamps went out.

“We couldn’t have broken down.” Alya heard Fred say as she grabbed the closest hand next to her, which she figured was George.

“Everyone alright?” Lee asked, sitting across from where Alya and the twins were currently sitting. Everyone let out a whispered “yes”. Suddenly the compartment door opened and a boy ran in, as well a sudden coldness from the rest of the train. Alya was shaking and felt George put an arm around her shoulders. When the lights came on, everyone turned to look at who had run in.

“Malfoy?!” Lee asked, staring in almost disbelief at the terrified looking blonde boy standing in the compartment.

“Alya?!” Draco turned to look at his sister, sitting in between Fred and George with George’s arm still around her shoulders. “I see what father meant. You are a disgrace.”

“Merlin, where have you two been?!” Alya exclaimed when Fred and George finally walked up to the blonde girl standing by herself in the snow. “Are we still going to Hogsmeade?”

“We just had to give Harry a little early Christmas present.” Fred explained as he and George caught up.

“Oh, dear, please don’t tell me it was something that could get him in trouble…” Alya sighed, linking arms with the twins and walking through the snow towards Hogsmeade.

“Harry, good job today!” Alya said, trying to raise her voice from its usual quiet, softness so he could hear her over the party going on around.

“Thanks, Alya! Where are Fred and George?” Harry replied, actually shocked to see her without the twins around her. She pointed to a corner of the room where they were showing some first year their tricks.

“Well, I better get back over there so some poor first year doesn’t get hurt.” She laughed and gave a small wave to Harry before she walked away.

Alya sighed, looking across the library table at the twins. “You have to study!”

“We are.” Fred protested, looking up from the book he was staring at. George’s head slumped onto the book he was supposed to be reading.

“You’re going to fail your exams if you’re not careful.” She muttered, shaking her head and concentrating on her book once more.

“Honestly, Alya, we’re smarter than you think we are.” George said, not lifting his head from the book.

“Yeah, we can be smart when we choose to be.”

“Okay, well good luck on your OWLs then.”

“Who says we want good marks on them? We’re not aiming to be like Percy or Charlie or Bill.”

Alya just sighed and continued reading, half listening to Fred and George suddenly start whispering about other, non-school related things.

“Aly, you’ll have to come to the Quidditch World Cup with us if dad gets tickets!” Fred said as Angelina leaned against his shoulder.

“Anything to get away from Lucius and Draco.” Alya muttered a response, dreading the thought of her father. She had stopped calling him her father when she realized how a father was supposed to act. “I imagine it’s loads more exciting with you all.”

“Everything’s more exciting with me and Fred around.” George said, winking at Alya with a grin.

“Oh of course it is. As long as I’m not the one getting pranked!” She replied, rolling her eyes.

“We’ll get mum to message you the details if it all goes as planned.” Fred suggested

“Sounds good!”


A/N: I'm trying to follow the story line as much as it's possible! I hope I'm not killing it xD 

Alya Malfoy is my own character, all other people/places belong to J.K. Rowling

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