You-Know-Who (The Deathly Hallows)

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“Mrs. Weasley, when are they supposed to be getting back?” Alya asked, walking into the kitchen where the worried mother was. Ever since the other Weasleys left, the three remaining women were on edge.

“Soon I imagine, dear. Where did Ginny get to?” Mrs Weasley was bustling around in the kitchen, keeping herself busy.

“I last saw her upstairs. Want me to get her?” She had sat at the table, watching Mrs. Weasley when there was a loud noise from outside. Mrs. Weasley was hurrying outside within a second, but Alya just looked out of a window.

“Harry? You are the real Harry? What happened? Where are the others?” She heard Mrs. Weasley cry. Alya chewed on her thumb nail. Harry and Hagrid were supposed to get back after Ron and Tonks as well as Mr.Weasley and Fred. There was another bright light and she could make out a man supporting another man.

“Thank god you’re alright!” Alya exclaimed, running up to Fred and hugging him before he could get to George. She let him go over to see his brother, standing off to the side.

“How do you feel, Georgie?” Mrs. Weasley whispered, still by her son’s side.

“Saint-like.” He replied in a murmur

“What’s wrong with him? Is his mind affected?” Fred asked, looking terrified at the thought.

“Saint-like.” George repeated, looking up at Fred, “I’m holy. Holey, Fred, geddit?”

Mrs. Weasley was sobbing even harder and colour returned to Fred’s pale face. Alya found herself smiling.

“Pathetic,” Fred said to George, “Pathetic! With the whole wide world of ear-related humour before you, you go for holey?”

“Ah well,” He muttered, grinning at his mother beside him, “You’ll be able to tell us apart now anyway, Mum. Where’s Alya?”

“Right here, Georgie.” She whispered, walking over and kneeling next to where Fred was. She grabbed his hand gently.


“It’s good that your brother and Fleur get on so well.” Alya said softly, sitting in a chair off to the side, watching people dance. “A wedding is just what everyone needs. Something good in the world when everything is terrible.”

“Tell mum that.” George said, sitting next to her. “She thinks they rushed in to this because of everything that is happening.”

“Why not marry someone you love now?” She replied, “Best to do it quicker if you’re sure you love them. Good chance a lot of people will be dead. Live like it’s your last day and all that.”

“Are you implying something?” George looked over at the currently red haired woman beside him. She was in a long dress, and her hair was curled perfectly.

“Oh, no! I was just saying it’s fantastic that your brother found someone!” She responded quickly, her face going pink as she buried her face in her hands. George just smiled. “Let’s go find Fred. I think he’s with one of Fleur’s cousins.”


“Do you need a hand?” Alya asked, walking in through the back door to see Mrs. Weasley cooking something in the kitchen. The woman seemed to always have something to do since Ron had left.

“No, dear, I’m fine. You can call down Fred and George though.” She said, not bothering to stop what she was doing. She waved her wand at a stack of plates and they laid themselves on the table. “Lunch is almost ready.”

I Just Want Your Company (A George Weasley love story)Where stories live. Discover now