Year 3 (Philosopher's Stone)

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“Thank you for allowing me to stay with your family, Mrs. Weasley.” Alya said politely, smiling at the short woman as they said their goodbyes, Fred and George having already gone to take their stuff on to the train. They had taken hers as well while she talked with Mrs. Weasley. 

“Oh, it was no trouble, dear! You’re always welcome in our home.” The woman replied kindly

“Uhm, Mrs. Weasley, I would like you to have this.” Alya placed a bag of coins in the woman’s hands. “It’s repayment for letting me stay.” She added quickly so the woman wouldn’t think of it as charity.

“Thank you, dear. You’re very sweet.” Mrs Weasley said after a minute, smiling. “I’m glad my boys have you around to watch out for them. I’m sure they would get in much more trouble without you.”

“Now you two – this year, you behave yourselves. If I get one more owl telling me you’ve – you’ve blown up a toilet or –”

“Blown up a toilet? We’ve never blown up a toilet.” 

“Great idea though, thanks, mum”

“It’s not funny! And look after Ron.”

“Don’t worry, ickle Ronniekins is safe with us.” 

“Shut up” Ron muttered

“Make sure they don’t get into trouble, dear.” Mrs. Weasley sighed, addressing Alya now.

“I’ll try, Mrs. Weasley.” 

“Hey, mum, guess what? Guess who we just met on the train?”

“You know that black-haired boy who was near us in the station? Know who he is?”


“Harry Potter!”

“I don’t see why we have to go see that giant tarantula.” Alya muttered, clinging to George’s arm as they were walking down the aisle. 

“It’s cool, Alya, don’t be such a girl.” Fred replied, sliding open a compartment door. 

“Hey, Ron. Listen, we’re going down the middle of the train – Lee Jordan’s got a giant tarantula down there.” 


“Harry,” George added before they left, “did we introduce ourselves? Fred and George Weasley. This is Alya Malfoy and this is Ron, our brother. See you later, then.”  They slid the door shut and continued on to where Lee Jordan was.

“You cannot be related to Malfoy.” Ron muttered, sitting on a sofa in the common room. Harry was next to him and Fred and George were on the nearby armchairs, Alya sitting on the arm on the one George was in, leaning against the ginger boy and using the arm of the sofa to put her feet up.

“I wish I could tell you I weren’t.” She replied, sounding just as miserable as Ron about the fact. “Is he absolutely dreadful?”

“Definitely.” Harry groaned, leaning against the back of the sofa.

“Don’t let him bother you, Harry.” She said, taking her feet off of the sofa’s armrest. “He’s mostly all talk.”

“Are you sure you’re a Malfoy, Alya?” Fred asked from the other side of the couch, causing the blonde girl to look over. “I mean, Dad says the whole family is terrible.”

“But you’re a doll.” George finished for his twin.

“I think she was adopted, George.”

“Must’ve been.”

“I wish you two were right.” Alya replied to the grinning twins, “But the looks don’t support your theory.”

Fred and George entered the common room to find Alya curled up on the sofa in front of the fireplace, the fire blazing. It wasn’t odd to find this every morning, as she often got up in the middle of the night and went to sit in the common room. Christmas morning was no different.

“Oi, Aly, it’s time to wake up.” George poked her shoulder to try and wake her up, kneeling next to the couch.

“Alya, Ron beat up Draco.” Fred tried, kneeling next to his brother. Alya shot up.

“Oh I hope you’re joking, Freddie.” She mumbled, running a hand through her long, tangled hair.

“Merry Christmas, Alya!” The twins said at once, sitting on the couch next to her. They were both wearing blue knitted sweaters; Fred’s having a yellow “F” on it and George having a “G” on his.

“Those are adorable.” Alya said as soon as she saw them, looking at the grinning twins.

“Mum made them, looks like you got one too!” Fred said, picking up a lumpy package from the floor beside the couch where a small group of presents were sitting.

“How sweet!” She exclaimed, opening the package to reveal the violet sweater with a blue “A” on it. There was also a box of fudge inside. Alya also received ten sickles from her parents, a butterfly hair clip from Fred and George and a pair of blue crystal earrings from her aunt. She also managed to remember to give Fred and George the presents she had picked up for them: a box of various pranks and tricks each.

“Hey Alya,” George said, sitting on the step next to her, “Why don’t you join us?” 

“That’s alright.” She replied, before George shoved a snowball in her face. She heard Fred and Ron roaring with laughter, and by the time she had wiped the cold snow from her face, George was walking away. 

“You’re dead!” She exclaimed, chasing him around the courtyard while the others watched. She didn’t quit until she finally managed to tackle him to the ground.

“Blimey, Alya, you can be scary!” Fred said when the two came back to join the snowball fight.

“Excited to be going home?” Alya asked, her back against the window as she sat sideways on her seat, looking at the twins beside her.

“Mum’s too strict.” Fred replied, groaning at the thought.

“We can’t get away with as much stuff at home as we can at Hogwarts.” George explained. Alya just laughed and rolled her eyes at the boys.


“Oy, Harry!” Alya called, seeing the brunette boy in the crowd of people with Ron and his bushy-haired female friend.

“Oh, Alya, have a nice summer!” Harry said when the girl caught up

“I just wanted to say it was great meeting you! You were fantastic this year.”

“Well, thanks! I’ll see you next year?”

“Yep!” Alya said before running off to say hello and goodbye to Mrs. Weasley and Ginny.


A/N: I honestly hope I'm not totally butchering the characters ): I hope you're enjoying my story! Let me know if there's anything I can work on!

Alya Malfoy is my own character, all other characters/places belong to J.K. Rowling.

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