6 I embarrassed myself in front of a hot wizard.

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Olla! Enjoy!!!

6 I embarrassed myself in front of a hot wizard.

Rrrrring. . .Ring!

I groaned and snuggled closer to warmth.

Rrrrring! Ring!

"Kai, your alarm." I muttered in my sleep. I heard a groan and felt myself being enveloped in a hug.

Rrring! Rrring!!

"Bloody hell." I felt a body go on top of me and the air being sucked out of my lungs.

"Kai, goddamit! Get off me!" I complained as I struggled for air.

"Hold on, let me just stop this fucking thing." He growled and I heard him fumble on something as he wiggled his body on mine.

The fucking thing finally stopped and I felt his weight get off me. I immediately inhaled oxygen to rejuvenate my lungs.

"I thought I was going to die." I was still closing my eyes, too lazy to open them.

"Shut up onion breath."

"Oh, the garlic's talking."

And because Kai was a total jerk, he forcibly opened my eyes and blew on them. I screamed and bared my fangs at him, ready to pounce and claw him to death. Lesson for the day: I'm not a morning person.

"Chill girl," Kai chuckled as he held my arms, "no need to be so vicious in the morning."

I got angrier and managed to get away from him. I lunged again and bit him on the shoulder, hard.

"Oh, fuck!" He yowled in pain and I let go as I licked the blood on my lips. He tastes even more delicious than I imagined.

"Slave, I told you that I'll be the one to bite you and suck your blood, not the other way around." He cringed his face as he covered his already healing wound.

I remained sitting on his stomach and smirked, putting away my fangs. "Serves you right, jerk."

I got off him and proceeded to take a shower. I practically lived here already. My toiletries were here, my towel, even my other set of clothes. The first night I stayed here though, I forgot to bring my toothbrush so I kind of used his.

Shhhh, don't tell him.


"I hope that you're all prepared with the festival tonight. I want each student helping in the booths. If I see anyone slacking around, you'll get zero in your grades in this whole semester." The grouchy professor said with finality.

I gasped and frowned. I wonder why this festival so important?

I looked beside me and saw Kai frowning as well.

"Now, get a piece of paper, let's start our surprise test."

Almost everyone groaned, Kai and I included. We've been goofing off and never studied. Blame it on Kai and his Xbox.

The test began immediately as I practically juiced out my brains for the answers. Damn it, I don't know much.

'Hey slave, what are the answers?" Kai asked in my head.

'Oh my god! Shut up Kai!' I replied and glanced at him to give him a glare but the way he was looking back at me stopped me.

He had the warmest smile on his face and it was directed at me.


Kai and I will be working on the saucy sausage booth. I wanted to try something else but Kai bribed me that we could eat sausages while we sell them out. I couldn't ignore the offer. Harry and the others would be there to help out too. As usual, I would be the only girl.

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