4 I let a werewolf bite me hard.

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4 I let a werewolf bite me hard.

5 days left. . .

5 days left. . .

5 days left. . .

  Kai was acting like the biggest douche on earth so I kept chanting to myself that there were 5 days left till I attain my freedom.

"Why is he being such a moody jerk?" I asked Harry as he was seated next to me as was Kai.

"He gets in his moods every month. Like how a girl gets their period and get all hormonal," Harry whispered loudly.

My eyes widened, and shock coursed throughout my body. "Are you implying that Kai is secretly a girl?"

"Careful you stupid idiots, or I'll give in to the urge of drowning you guys in your own blood," Kai growled moodily.

"Chill Kai, we're just concerned about you,"
 Taylor said as he winked at me, telling me that he got this, "But you don't have to be shy in admitting that you're actually a girl. I'd totally date you."

I glared at him and his eyes told me that he just couldn't help it. Kai smacked the back of his head as he closed his eyes to control his temper.

Daniel with Ray, the boy with a lot of piercings, laughed their heads off.

"Shut up." Kai rolled his eyes.

"Are you really okay, Kai?" I asked him with my docile, and innocent look.

His eyes darkened as he saw me, and I could feel him struggling. Sweat pelted down his collarbone and forehead, making him look like he was fighting an urge or something.

"I'm fine," he answered but we both knew he wasn't.


Classes dragged on and Kai kept getting worse. He told me I didn't have boobs and my stomach felt flabby. I was annoyed at him so much that I wanted to go all sumo on him, but I tolerated it just for the heck for it.

I told him to go crap his ass out since he was probably having diarrhea while I huffed to my room to take a long hot shower. Too bad, I still had to go back and do his homework.

Just four more days, starting tomorrow.

"So how was slaving the king kong of jerks?" Yaya asked me as she put her green facial cream.

"Worse, he is in one of his bad moods." I sighed and put on my sleeping dress.

"Oh, careful, he gets really weird when he's in of his moods. He even tried to kiss me one time and that dress is see through and kind of short darling." She told me as she put the cucumbers on her eyelids.

"He doesn't care, he even said I didn't have boobs and might as well be a man with a flabby stomach. My ego was crushed."

Yaya laughed and almost choked. "Okay, I get you but just be careful. There are a lot of other wolves out there."

"Well of course, I'll be wearing a long robe. All they'd see is an old hag wearing baggy, hip hop clothes. I don't think that's appealing."

"True, now get out and get back here as soon as you can, you old hag." She chuckled and laid down on her bed.

"You betcha." I left and fled to Kai's room fast. I was kind of feeling sleepy and couldn't wait to get over this already so I could go and have my beauty sleep.

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