1 I put a werewolf on fire.

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Hey people on earth! This will be my very first supernatural story. I hope you guys will like it. I have so many ideas for this story and I couldn't wait to share it with all of you. Anyway, thanks for giving this story a chance. :) Love ya!!

1 I put a werewolf on fire.

Rita's POV

Supernatural Academy is a crazy place.

If I were to choose the worst season, it would be summer. The heat was excruciating, and it made me feel sticky and gross all over my body. Sweat pelted down my forehead and back as I stretched my back to look at the blaring sun. I glared at it under my sunglasses and proceeded to carry my luggage at the entrance of the academy. And no, I didn't shine and twinkle like Edward Cullen when I'm under the sun.

"Rita, I'm going to miss you baby." My mom wiped the fake tears in her eyes. Oh please, cut the crap.

The registrar eyed us up, her thick eyebrows pinched together, and her eyes glistened with sentiment.

My mother went to hug me tightly. "Now Rita, baby my ass, you better fucking behave or else, I'll suck your blood dry," she threathened ominously. There goes my real mother.

"Yes ma, I'll be a very good girl." When pigs fly.

"Good. I love you honey. Call me from time to time!" She let go of me and waved her hand.

"Buh-bye." I smiled fakily at her.

She blew me a kiss and I tried not to cringe.
My mom can be really dramatic sometimes.

"Aww, that was so sweet," the registrar hissed. Yep, she hissed, she had a forked tongue like a snake. "Here's your key and ID. You can wait for Yaya to escort you in the lounge."

"Oh, that's not necessary."

"It is, darling. You don't want to get lost in this academy."

Did she just say I can't find my own room?

"Really, I'm very capable, miss."

I left before she hissed again, it was making me want to sleep, and I didn't want to look bored when I was so thrilled to get here. Yep, so thrilled, I puked five times on the way here.

I walked through the hallways and wondered why I wasn's seeing any student around. Only big slimy slugs were everywhere, cleaning the messy sidewalks and classrooms.

"So, there's no class in the morning?"

The big slug nodded and made a deep slushing, disgusting sound. "Okay, I understand. Now, maybe you can continue that in the bathroom."

I sighed and walked straight ahead. I finally found some numbers on the doors but it was way off from mine. "1067? Really?"

Mine was by the way, 108. Nice, I'm so close.

I rolled my eyes and felt myself trespassing someone else's territory. It was unbecoming and very uncomfortable. It smelled like dogs and dogs smelled like butts. Disgusting.

A door suddenly opened and out came an oiled guy, his fangs were out and he growled something incohoherent before charging at me. I pulled the closest thing in my pocket and frowned at the sight of the lighter my mom gave me. The monster was a leap away and I quickly lit the lighter. The moment the small flame touched the crazy guy, his whole body was suddenly engulfed in fire. Wow, so beautiful, like a piece of meat on fire soaring, flying to the sky.

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