8 I was asked out by a mega hot warlock

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8 I was asked out by a mega hot warlock

"I'm free from slavery!" I announced boisterously to the whole academy. "I'm so happy!" And indeed I was--my heart was as light as a silken feather. I was an angel reborn from the ashes, a diamond devoid of murk, a milky river as flowy as the summer and frilly dress I was wearing. This is the definition of bliss.

"Come with us to the bloody spa later Rita, " my vampire friend, Yaya invited. She laughed at my enthusiasm.

"Hell yeah!"

As we trudged on the recently burnished hallways, I was suddenly pulled aside by none other than Kai, the buttdog.

"Hey, you can't slave me around anymore, I'm a free person and this is a free country." I folded my arms and stood my ground stubbornly.

I wouldn't let this wolf bully me again even though his wavy bed hair was doing weird things to me. I wanted to brush my claws through them, straighten them like conditioner and mess them up again just to annoy him.

"Chill your twisted bloody panties, I'm giving back your hilarious diary. I'm a man of my word after all, " he retorted and handed me my precious diary.

I could cry with happiness. I hugged the old tattered notebook to my chest.

"Stop acting like I locked you up and abused you. Are you that happy to be free of me?" His eyes annoyed but at the same time eager to hear my answer.

"Ye--I mean no. I don't know."

"Do you still want to hang out? My friends have come to like you a lot. You're the only girl they can tolerate, I can tolerate."

"But you're a buttwolf."

"I am Kai."

"And I'm a vampire."

"I'm half you."

"True but you still smell like a dog, " I teased, sticking out my tongue at him. I quickly ran away before I could say what I wanted to say.

Of course, you idiot. I want to be with you forever.


I shyly twiddled with my fingers as I faced the handsome warlock before me. He had politely asked if he could talk to me privately which got me nervous as heck. I smelled my armpits like a ninja as I followed him to the garden of magnolias. Small fairies played around the garden sprinkling pixie dust on each other.

"So I hear you're free from slavery, " Evan began as he smiled. His pearly white teeth were perfectly aligned.

"Yes, I am. I'm so happy."

"I'm happy too. You can finally do whatever you want."

"Yes, like drinking bloody tea for as long as I want, sleeping in the morning for as late as I can and taking a bath without someone rushing me up--it's a free country, " I said lamely but he laughed anyway.

"You're really interesting."

I blushed, not sure what to say. "Thank you. You're really handsome."

"Thank you, " he replied as he scratched his head. " Listen, do you want to go out with me?"

My heart almost stopped beating. Here was a handsome gentleman who wants to go out with me yet why are my fangs recoiling. Why is my conscience screaming the word no? Why is Kai's face popping up in my head?

"I'm sorry, I just want to relish my freedom for as long as I can but maybe next time?" I asked hopefully.

"You're right, I asked too soon."

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