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It’s okay, I can do this.  It’s just a few words, right?’  I thought.  I racked my brain for something to say.  The only thing that popped up was the chorus to Muse’s “Uprising”.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we have all come here with a purpose; to rid the world of our enemy.  They will try, but they will not force us to give up and they will stop killing us and they will not - EVER - control us. We will be victorious, so come on!  Come, let the Revolution take its toll, open your eyes, you'd see that we should never be afraid to die.  Rise up and take the power back, you know that their time is coming to an end, we have to unify and watch our flag ascend!”

I paused to wait for the cheers that rang out to subside.

“We must not lose heart. Even though our outer nature is wasting away, our inner nature is being renewed day by day, especially with this moon, with our mother on our side tonight!  Now... who will be strong and brave enough to stand with me?!?”  They roared.

I turned and faced the oncoming enemy.

“Are you ready?” Mark asked. 

I smirked.  “I was born ready.”

“Here they come!!!” someone shouted from the distance.  I glanced to the left and saw Oktober prepared with her powers, a storm brewing overhead.  To my right Lucy grinned and fire outlined her body.  My smirk intensified as I raised my bow, prepared to be the first to kill.  Mark leaned close to me, his hand touching my lower back.

“Ready?” I nodded.  “Aim... Hey.” I looked at him, met his serious eyes.  “A lot of people will die tonight.  Maybe even us.”

“I know,” I answered.  To the side of my bow, I kissed him.

Our eyes met again, his glowing with the thought of war.  “Fire.” 

I let go and my bow flew, hitting one ugly mother-


The battle intensified and they managed to breach the wall.  I pulled out the double swords Oktober had taught me to use and faced the first group that flung themselves over the wall.  I stared their leader down, our glares nearly enough to kill.  I lifted the swords over my head and let out a battle cry.  The rest of my archers followed me to slaughter the opposing side. 

Their leader didn’t even bat an eyelash as his warriors blew past him.  His gaze never left mine.  I had slashed through four necks, stabbed thirteen hearts, severed twenty-eight limbs, and cut through another fifteen of those bastards before I stood before their leader.  Roland.  Glaurea’s near-ancient sailor lover.

My ancient lover.  The person my soul craves.  The thing I want to be with so very, very much.  But, that’s all the more reason as to why I should kill him.

He extended his hand to me.  I stared back and forth between it and his eyes.  “What’s this?  Some kind of trick?”

“You don’t have to do this,” he said.

“Do what?  Kill you?  Of course I do.”

“No.  You don’t.  You could come with me.  Take my hand.  We could just as easily slip away from this madness and live on our own, forever, like before,” he said.  His idea was intriguing, but I knew better.  This man was a monster.  There was no way he could actually get me to come to his side.


“Don’t you see?” he backed up to the edge of the wall.  “He is playing mind games with you!  He is the bad one in this situation!”

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