Chapter 14 (New)

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Okay guys I dont know what happened but most of this chapter was deleted. I didn't realize it till i checked the comments.

Eros p.o.v.

After breakfast everybody left to do whatever. Ian and Brayden went to watch the first Hotel Transylvania in the movie room and I went to my room to change into some clean clothes. I am going to meet up with Hebe later and I want to be ready.

I look through my luggage for my grimoire. I brought three grimoires for this trip. The one I one I use the most which is filled from page to page with spells and other magical things. My new grimoire which I just started writing in. Then my third grimoire which is magically connected with all my other grimoires back home.

Currently I was looking for my connected grimoire. I needed to look up some stuff about the ghost that tried to possess me. When he was in my body, I heard him keep saying, "he's coming out, he's coming out." He then said something that sounded French. I am going to do some research on what he said.

I find the grimoire and I sit down on my bed. I say my secret password and the book opens. I then make an 'o' hand shape and say, "open search." The book glows and out comes a light from my book.

The book then says "how may I help you, sir." Then a typed up version appears in the light in hologram form. Yes I invented my own book Siri.

"Look up memory spells please," I tell it.

The pages then flip to a random page and all the things associated with memory that I've ever written in my grimoires appear. I look through the spells and find one that is perfect. I put a piece of paper next to me and cast the spell. I start to remember the words and my hand moves to the words. The voice sounded kind of like a whisper in the winds, soft, gentle, and hard to hear unless you focus.

When the spell was over, I look down at the words and frown. It said he's coming out le roi fantôme is coming out. I type the words into google translate and I get the words the ghost King.

I put my hand in an 'o' shape again and say, "open search. Look for the ghost King." I wasn't sure if I ever wrote anything about a ghost King, but you never know.

The book said there wasn't any info on the ghost King and suggested alternate searches. I was about to close the book, when something strange popped up. Did you mean le roi fantôme. I frown at that. The words are french and I don't speak french.

I say yes and the grimoire starts to flip again and I land on a page with a drawing of a small book. At the top of the page it says 'The Scarab of Osiris'. I look at the bottom of the page and it says located in Aragon Kyles's private library.

Kyles? Could this person be related to Diana and Damien? Wait, why is this in my book? I think I would remember drawing something like this in it.

Knock knock

I look over at my door and yell, "come in." The door opens and in comes Damien without a shirt on and with a sheepish smile. I bite my lip as I check him out, but quickly stop myself. "What do you want?"

"Oh nothing," he says and stretches his arms.

It is a really hot sight, but I know something is up. "What did you do?"

"What makes you think I did something," he whines.

"Because you always do something," I yell. That's when I realize what he was trying to do. "Were you trying to seduce me before telling me."

He gives me a sheepish smile, "no," he says, dragging the 'o'.

I roll my eyes at him, he is such an idiot. My eyes land on my grimoire and I see the name again. I get a quick idea and I look back at him. "If I promise not to get mad, would you help me with something?" He smiles at me and nods his head. "Ok now tell me."

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