Chapter 8 (new)

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Damien p.o.v.

Eros and I are staying really still not knowing what to do. Maybe if we had more time Eros could open a portal, but we don't have time for that.

"Damien move your hands back," Eros says in a mind link.

"Why," I ask back, but do as he says.

"Because I'm going to hand you this." He hands me some swimming trunks.

"What the hell am I suppose to do with this?"

"When I say go run to the lake and jump in, but before you get in lay the swim trunk in front of your pants."


"Just do it."

"Okay. Okay."

"1....2.....3 go," we both run as fast as we can to the lake. I can hear the thing chasing us and it's pretty fast. They don't have feet, but they slither fast. We both jump into the lake and in the air I do what Eros says. When I do my clothes disappear and are replaced by the swim trunks.

When we land in the lake jump right out wet from the water. Eros does the same too. I look behind us and see the creature slithering around not touching the water. "What the Hell?"

"Those are called Mija beast. They have a venom in their body that can kill people. The Pond of Forgiveness heals all wounds and poisons. If they were to get in here they would start to burn. It's like an acid to them," Eros explains.

"Wait. What of they decide to fly over here," I ask. They have bat wings they could just fly over here. I start to swim away and so does Eros

"Well first they can't fly with those just helps them stand straight. Second we are wet with the water, so if they tried to touch us they would start to burn."

"Oh. Where's are clothes?"

He brings out the package I saw him take out with the guitar. He must have took the trunks from there. It looked like it was water proof because it doesn't look wet.

"That's weird though," Arrows says.

"What," I ask.

"Them. They usually aren't this low in the forest. They are usually higher in the mountains. Something must have brought them down here especially in this area near the pond. Plus they usually are really nice animals and will only attack if threatened or scared."

"Maybe they were hungry. They could have come down for food."

"They are omnivore. They eat plants and animals. They would have eaten the plants before they tried human. Humans give them a stomachache. Besides they wouldn't have made it so obvious that they were there. They would have hidden and attacked us."

"I think we should leave," I suggest.

"Why? Your scared," Eros mocked.

"No, I'm scared of you getting hurt," I say loudly and truthfully. I don't give a fuck what happens to me, but I can't let Arrows get hurt. "Those things were huge and powerful. If something can scare something like that to come to place they can get hurt means it's worst."

"I don't need your protection."

"Well I don't care. If your with me I'm protecting you."

"You weren't even suppose to come."

"Too bad you're stuck with me."

He groans, but doesn't disagree with me. We start to swim ashore quietly. Neither one of us talking. When we get there Arrows says, "I have some towels in the package."

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