Chapter 10 (new)

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Damien p.o.v.

I run towards Eros room which is down the hall to mine. When I get to the door I see the guards, Hebe, and my family waiting outside his door. There is a bunch of noise coming from his room.

"What's going on," I ask.

My mother looks me and says, "We don't know. We heard Eros scream and we all rushed over here. His parents, Gaby, and JJ all went in."

That's when here something loud crash. I push my everybody away and ignore them trying to stop me. I open the door and see things flying around. The chairs, cabniets, the bed, everything. I duck and roll when a mirror almost hits my head. When I'm in though the door closes.

I look up and see Eros floating in the air screaming. His dad is floating too trying to grab his son.

"Eros. Stop this," his father demands.

"I said get out," Eros screams. His father is then thrown across the room and hits the wall. Kara runs over to his husband and starts saying a healing spell. I see an unconscious JJ and Gabby on the ground next to them.

I look back up and notice his eyes are shut. "He's sleeping," I mumble to myself. What could be making him do this?

"Please," I hear him whisper. "Please get out." Get out? What the hell is he talking about?

I look around the room for a hint of what could be causing this. He can't just be doing this in his sleep. Something is causing it. Before I can look though a book almost hits my head. Luckily I dodge it, but then scream in pain when I feel something stab my foot. I look down and see I cut myself on the mirror shards from the mirror I dodged.

I lift up my feet and pull it out. I look at it for a sec and see something. I move it around till I get a good angle of it. It's a white transparent thing. It looks human, but it's face is sheet white, hair is grey, and it's eyes are purple. "A ghost," I say. I look up and see the ghost is in the exact place where Eros is. The ghosts is trying to possess Eros.

"Kara," I yell.

"What," she yells back.

"How do you kill a ghost," I ask. She looks confused at me. Then she turns to her son and her eyes go wide as she realizes what's going on.

'You can't kill ghost. You have to send their souls back into afterlife or send them to the world of mirrors' she say to me in a telepathic link.

'How do we send them to afterlife'

'I need to first weaken them, so I can trap its soul in a mirror and then I can send them there'

'How do we weaken it'

'Electricity' she answers and then points to book that almost hit me. I grab the book quickly and see it's Eros personal grimoire. A grimoire is a personal spell book a castor gets when they turn 13. They are small books full of blank pages, so you can write down things you've learned like spells, potions, and other stuff.

"libellum apertum," I say and the book cover glows and the strap holding the book moves and opens. I start to flip through the pages looking for a spell, but I can't find anything. "Electricity...electricity," I mumble to myself. How am I suppose to find one spell in a book with so many pages?

'Just say "search for"and then say what you are looking for' a voice says inside my head. Well nothing else worked, so why not? "Search for Electric spell," I say. The book immediately starts to flip pages on it's own really quickly. I see a bunch if pictures and spells before it finally stope at a page.

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